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My Own Source Package Managment (LFS and others), educational purpose...

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some time ago I posted in my LFS/SE Linux topic [bash script] that is my candidate to be something that can be used to build Source Package Managment for any distro, but it didn't realy fits there, so I decided to move to separate topic...

Unfortuneatly running it would take long time, so then I was thinking about something like running make install with -n option and send results to file, then parse it for mkdirs, cps and other commands that installs aplication in file system, then if files already exists, ask to copy them, and then run make install without -n... but this would work only for usual make && make install, or any other that ends with make install, but would allow us to revert version, if changes crushed something (it wouldn't always be working correctly, but would just give a chance, since bugy aplication can already crash some other files)...

my questions right now are:

1) what do you think about those two ideas (from that post and about parsing results of make -n install)? I know that second method is fast but cannot be used always, so maybe join this and have two methods in one SPM?

2) what other than "make install" instalation "from source" methods you know? can you post examples and link to one of those source tarballs? This would be very helpfull...

and I would answer one thing...: I know this is primitve and there are many package managment systems, but like I said this is for educationall purpose, so for this it is just grat :P

Hope that someone would add there some infos, I would be very, very... graetfull :P

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Hi...let me explain - this isn't exactly a package managment in usual sense - I call it Source Package Managment (SPM)... it is thing that would allow (when would be done):- uninstall package, even if make uninstall isn't provided- upgrade package and remove obsolote files- revert package to earlier version if possible(of course, this would be distribution independent :P)and all for thing installed from plain tar.gz or tar.bz2, by running addictionall commands before and after make install, or substitute for make install, that would run it, and also run make install... Slackware's checkinstall works similar way...

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I just found out that there is package managment better than others - works great for all linuxes, allows install many different packages types and manage them in one aplication, it can read existing database and import from them, also manage source packages with install/uninstall and so on... I can highly recomend it... Just take a look at:

[ PACO - PACkage Organizer ]

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