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Php Clasess Installed On Astahost... exactly about pear...

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Hi all, I have one question...

first of all I want to add that I don't know anything about php, but my phpscripter told me to ask if there is or could be installed PEAR class and especialy HTMP_template_IT and HTML_template_ITX...

( I don't know even what that means... :P )

btw. if it is installed, he also asked what he should put in there... on last his host this was: "PEAR/HTML/Template/ITX.php", but there it gives just [this] result...

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Well I don't know much about PHP myself either - but I do know what PEAR is. It stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository - once again following the opensource standards of recursive names. It's this whole bunch of open source classes that work together and come bundled together. Developers can use these pre-built classes to generate HTML, make SOAP requests, send MIME encoded mails PLUS a wide variety of other common tasks. A PEAR is also a TASTY TASTY fruit :P


Find out more about PEAR at: http://pear.php.net/ .. The main PEAR package comes with only a handful of classes - but pear development is really fast and every week you have these fresh influx of really-useful/not-so-useful classes being added to the pear repository. There's something called Pear Package Manager which makes it easier for you to download and install these individual classes/bundles.


As for those extensions you're talking about - I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you :P

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Hi...thanks... m^e maybe can you help me with this - can you tell me to whou should I told this, to technical support? to some other mail (some admin of host, or anything? I don't know...)... I would be graetful if someone can redirect me stright to right person, who I can ask this question... :P

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