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i really like the pagan, might be wiccan but i dont know, ideas of celebration of the seasons and of nature's miricle.im not sure to the fully truth of this but i think al least some of it is true. in england we celebrate guy faulk's night [a lovely, effigy of a human burning, cilivised occation in our 'moral' and 'developed' society :) !? ] basically it is an excuse to have a big fire and set off fireworks. but apparently there was a pagan occasion at a similar period in the year as a celebration/event to bring in winter where a big fire was burnt as a representation of the dying light of summer.whatever it is it's definatly much nicer that re-enacting the brutal death of a political dissident!

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From what I've been hearing, this sounds like something some inebriated fellow came up with while playing Magic the Gathering... but that's just me...


You know what, I really don't know enough about the supposed "religion" to criticize it, but at first glance... it doesn't look good.




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Carry on guys. It's great to see such a good response to an old thread like this. The discussions getting better and better and makes a lovely reading. Sometimes I feel, some of the threads on Xisto should be converted into classic articles - and if they were, they'd surely stand out bright. Good job.Any more input ? :)

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The non-aggressivenes and focus on nature are mere terms of euphemism. What lies beneath is a closed religion with a focus on spirits, and an obsession with bizarre rituals. Wicca has never had an impact on modern society and never will for such reasons. Paganism is a lower level of thought, as exemplified by the ancients. Spells are impossible; they are too specific. Any "result" is just a coincidence fated to occur.

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Wicca as far as I am aware is 'A way of life'... historically, nature worship was the original of all worship, since the first people that started of praying, did so to nature since nature inspired awe and terrified early man who did not understand much of nature. Wicca, is basicaly the worship of the basics of life. It's defined by the parameters of nature worship and even human worship (in some forms). Essentially it revolves around understanding, bonding and being a part of the universal energy fields that surround us through all animate and in-animate things. Take for example, Hinduism. It has its roots in the very ancient (circa 1500-2000 bc) of times when the understanding of nature was entirely the vogue. When we look at the non-commercialized form of Hindu worship today, it maintains the essence of reaching out to the universal all encompassing energy (Bhrama). A lot of religions around the world have their basis defined by the search for and attaining a bonding with the universal energy. That's Wicca... (my understanding of it).

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I dabbled in Wicca some years ago... It is an interesting religion. But then I got into Satanism (which is totally NOT what people think it is). Now I'm just Agnostic.

You should also check out http://wicca.org/

By the way, HTML_GURU, I'm pretty sure that wicca was a bit before Magic's time.

But I'm not a genius, so...

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Now im know im dragging this thread up from the dead but its better than posting a whole new topic and I just wanted to say .... WOW! I love the fact that I can have a decent conversation about computers or religion with so many people!

also i wanted to quote this:

But then I got into Satanism (which is totally NOT what people think it is)

and say yay because youre one of the few people who understand Santanism by the sounds of things.
Back on topic i belive that wicca is what you make it. In my opinion its simply a path to a higher place, think of it as you like, heaven, reincarnation, god etc...i belive that all religions and paths are brilliant aslong as they make you a better person and take you where you want to go and let you experience what you want to experience.

im suprised actually that gods and goddesses havent been mentioned much yet. I personally belive in the Lord and the Lady being energies, i simply cant see how any god, which would mean a male energy, being able to create life ALONE no man no matter how powerfull can ever create life on his own. So it makes sense to have a female and a male both equally important.

I think Wicca is a way for people to express themselves, it allows us to be creative and open minded. Its also a great feeling to go out into the world and know that you are here fore a reason and to feel nature...(am i getting kinda...poetic here? lol) as mentioned it does also include witchcraft and i have a question for those who do not belive in witchcraft...do you belive in prayer and its effects? if so how can you say that spells etc do not work? Prayer and magic are both similar, in prayer you ask for things to happen, in a spell or magical working you tell them to happen that is the only difference, in both you are seeking for help from higher energies to acheive a goal.

Well i guess everyone stopped reading about half an hour ago so ill wrap up here but thanks for this interesting topic, i was going to post asking about peoples religions but i see i dont need to now :lol:

You've never heard of wicca? mindless treehuggers w/o any cause or justification...

treehuggers, well some, Wiccans belive that nature is wonderfull, which it is and we should protect it from destruction. our justification is to live life to the full and also allow others to do the same.

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Hi all :lol:

[tab][/tab]I just came to know about this really cool religion called Wicca from one of the member's post. Here's a small definition:



I am not Wiccan and I do not play one on TV. I have met many, however, of both types. We call the type 1's "twirly eyed". A group I knew in Tennessee were far from twirly-eyed. I sat in on one of their home-school sessions at one point. It looked just like any of the Christian home-school groups with different content. They were very nature oriented--- something that many other religions could use. The hardest bit seems to be that much of their tradition has disappeared, as a consequence of so many practitioners being killed. Many of these groups who are serious Wicca and not just anti-Christian goths try hard to reinvent their culture from fragments of the past, just like Native Americans.


I also had a pair of Wiccans working for me once. Other than the fact that they took different holidays, they were just ordinary folks (well, as ordinary as anyone who worked for me).

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