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Laptops Ruin Men's Chance To Reproduce ?

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But, you don't walk around with the sun on your lap on a hot summer day... I believe the theory was that when you putu your legs together, your testes temperature raises a little, and the laptop increases the temperature even more...Meh, i'm not taking any chances until I've had my kids.

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Yeah its true... to be blunt, your balls need to be cooler than your internal body temp... thats why their on the outside.the effects are only temporary, they dont damage your *testes* just the little sperm guys.And i think the report concluded (cont find a link but anywho...) that moderate laptop use was as bad for fertility, as wearing snug underwear link thongs or y fronts.Did you know in some poorer country's, some men as method of contreception will dip teir testes in hot water (70 degrees) for 5 - 10 minutes. it works aparently, and doesnt harm your *organs* in any way.

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It is a medical fact that to raise the temperature of the testicles one degree for an hour can impair sperm count for a week, now couple that with the fact that a laptop can raise temperatures about ten degrees, and you have your answer, given enough time using one, both sessions and years, you can permanantly kill any sperm production..The best advice is to take it easy with them. Don't use them for more than an hour with out taking a break and getting some fresh air if you will.When used properly, none of the damage is permanant.This is comming from a man that uses his laptop all day every day, and has four kids... Use it wisley, and no harm can be done....

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yeah continue using it like normal, if you sit it on your lap, you'll be fine. But don't like shove the laptop basically into your groin.


No, even doing it that way can cause the heat to build up between your legs...


If you let the Laptop sit on your lap, and no air can flow, then you are heating a three foot area of space approximatly, and your testicles are within that three foot radius.....




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I found a lot of links pertaining to this topic. It seems that indeed laptops are a big risk to your testicles. It is a widely known fact that too much of heat or pressure can destroy your sperm cells and cause a drastic reduction in the sperm count. That in itself is synonymous with impotency. This is why it is unadvisable to wear tight undergarments. Doctors always suggest the ones commonly known as "boxers" - because of their loose getup allowing your testicles to breathe freely :P. Anyways, here are the links:

1. http://ww1.4-men.org/sperm/laptops-and-sperm.html
2. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/
3. https://cloud.socs.uoguelph.ca/laptop_dangers.htm
4. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1297406/posts
5. http://arstechnica.com/science/2004/12/science-20041213/
6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
8. And some funny news... http://ww5.atomiclava.net/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t

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well, i think it is bullcrap,maybe if you let it work at it's hardest for 5 hours, and then put in right next to your testes for 1 hour, it might be permanently damaged, or if you let it drop from 20 mtrs right into your groint, but that's got nothing to do with the heat. well, i don't use a laptop anyway, so i don't care :P

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Dipping in hot water as contraception? Haha, how interesting. There have been so many different ideas for contraception... I know the greeks used to use crocodile dung (because of its acidity) as contraception... And also honey (I don't know, maybe they thought the sperm would get stuck? lmao)

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In other words......if you are TRYING to conceive (spelling ?) then put the laptop on a table when you use it.... otherwise,,, ignore everything in this threat, your fine, effects are only short lived.!!!

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Oh no, haha. I'm not having a problem ahahaha. I just brought this up because I believed it to be an interesting topic. (And I obviously need something to talk about because you need to post for credits on this site mwaha.) But, who knows, maybe this thread helped some guy who IS having trouble conceiving(is correct spelling).

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Biology teaches us that sperms cannot survive in high temperature.And when you lay your laptop on your lap, you are exposing your testes to heat and it may lead to deformed sperms, which is unhealthy.Besides, you have to close your legs together to stablize your laptop, this may cause deformed testes, can't let your penis ejaculate at it's optimum and can cause clumped testes.

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Biology teaches us that sperms cannot survive in high temperature.

And when you lay your laptop on your lap, you are exposing your testes to heat and it may lead to deformed sperms, which is unhealthy.


Besides, you have to close your legs together to stablize your laptop, this may cause deformed testes, can't let your penis ejaculate at it's optimum and can cause clumped testes.




So are you saying it can be permanent? Because so far people's replies on this thread have said that its only temporary...Bah, whatever. I'm just never going to keep my legs close together and never putting my laptop on my lap again as a precaution.

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