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Freeware Creating Of Install?

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Hi... I was wondering if there are some freeware and even better - OpenSource - progams that will help create instalation frontends for Lin, Win and Mac? (like comercial BitRock installer...). it would be best if it would use GTK or Qt when running on Linux... is there any hope?

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I don't know about Mac or Lin (I'm still looking for Lin) - but for windows, there's an excellent freeware with it's own scripting engine. It's called NSIS (the one WinAmp uses) - it's immensely powerful if you use it right. Flip side - you gotta learn a bit about it's scripting language (which isn't hard at all) - you just deal with some standardized messageboxes and buttons - similar to Visual Basic... but no wysiwyg interface. You write the script, pass it to it's compiler and whaaam..you have your installer. Thousands of really cool samples provided. There's nothing that you cannot do with this installer... Moreover it's freeware and Opensource.. I'm using it right now - and it's the best in terms of flexibility, power & control.

Get it at: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page

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thanks for info, I'll take a look... but most important for me is linux version (but not only), since many people don't like tarball way of package distribution (personaly I think this is greatest distribution method - when you have to compile yourself, you get better understanding of software you are gonna to use, but unfortuneatly I'm not doing anything only for me - or people like me...)

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