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Hate Hackers But Admire The Skill ? have a go yourself without hurting any1

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all this stuff is interesting.

i believe all knowledge is potentially useful, hacking or cracking...

where do i start if i want to learn?

someone help an aspiring hacker/cracker!











Did i mention reading?


No seriously, learn a programmer language, like C++ or Java. Then learn the how common things work. Like


- Client/server communication (SMTP, POP, HTTP, FTP etc)

- Make your own clients/server for above examples

- What's going on in your computer

- How does encryption work.

- and many more other stuff


Things like these will learn you what is possible and what is not.


And trust me, it's a lot of reading :) ... :rolleyes:

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i already hacked . Windows Nt , printers hole , IIS were my speciallity but was about 3 years ago . i think i have the tools here some where .... but i never did it again ... There was no fun anymore :rolleyes:Secret ? READ READ READ READ nothing more that READ

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first of all there are hackers and then there are crackershackers look for exploits and use them to get to places, however their primary goal is to do it for the ability to do it.crackers however look to damage computers, use viruses, crack softwares etc, they are the ones who are annoying.Now onto the topic, if you are looking to learn how to hack it isn't easy because well it takes learning, there isn't a set formula that you just follow or anything like that.I tried to learn and abonded it after one day cause will I enjoy having a social life and am not looking forward to sitting in a basement infront of a command prompt madly tying away (umm stereyotype i know), you'd think its like freaking Sword Fish with five monitors hot girls and kickazz music playing in the background... but its really not.Anyways to learn ho to hack (i heard all this from an aquientence whose name i can't revel cause then he has to kill you :P )First learn how the internet works, really learn it, read everything about it, the principles everything.Then learn a programming language, supposely C++ is the best to learn but python or pearl is a good starter.Now after throughly understanding the languages you will to hack.Or you can always test yourself at http://www.hackthissite.com/ its a pretty nifty idea, bascially testing your ingeniulity and stuff

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I tried to learn and abonded it after one day cause will I enjoy having a social life and am not looking forward to sitting in a basement infront of a command prompt madly tying away (umm stereyotype i know), you'd think its like freaking Sword Fish with five monitors hot girls and kickazz music playing in the background... but its really not.


oh I have no illusions on the life of someone who seriously does that sort of thing :-D...but as a comp sci major, I think it could be a fun way to practice problem solving in the environment I expect to work in...I don't want to find out how to break into nasa's computers or anything, I just would like to know some basic things. I went to that Learn to Hack website someone linked to and while it was cool, I found that the challenges seemed like they required me to know a lot more than I did, and I was only on level 4!

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most of the challenges there (at least the basic ones) are all just logic problems, they do not require any REAL hacking knowledge but rather problem solving skills that is important to hacking (side note, I totally beat the hacking challenges ;D)

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