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A Nation Of Hypocrites not all political, but still relevant

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I don't know about other countries, but America has become a land of hypocracy. The majority of people say one thing but act in a contradictory maner. You probaly think that this article is going to focus on the United States govenrment. Well it's not, the primary subject is American teenagers and, as I affectionatly call them, teenieboppers and prostitots.probaly one of the best-known American hypocrite is our glorious leader George W. Bush, now the actual President elect. He says that we must fight for the people of Iraq's freedom, while he is fighting to restrict the freedom of lesbian and gays on American soil. He says abortion is unethical amd murder sience it kills unborn babies, but it is apparantly ok to kill thousands of innocent civilians while we trey to "liberate" them. All-in-all Bush is pretty hypocritical, but there's nothing we can do to change him.American teenagers are the model of hypocracy. We are are a nation of hypocrites. I say we because I too am a teenager and I have been guilty of hypocracy on numerous occasions, but I am trying to fix that. We say we rebel to be different, but is is really to conform with all the other 'rebels' I know several true rebels, my best friend and I are two of them. While the majoty rebel in the same way, piercings and tattoos, I rebel more subersivly, still adorning the above, but for a different reason alltogether, psudeo-religious reasons, I'm pictish.Also, those people who claim to be punk, here is probaly the largest group of hypocrites out there. Many of you are true to the spirit and bmy heart goes out to you keeping the life style and the true music alive. But there are those who are the complete hypocrites, I'm talking about those people that do all of their shoping at Hot Hopic. Isn't the idea of punk to be unfashionable? hot topic has become a place of fashion, though they have a good record selection. While having an ok selection of music there clothing is nolonger unique and punk its punky, or worst ye pop-punk. If youre going to spend 5$50-$75 on a pair of pants to look punk you don't grasp the concepts behid the lifestyle. If you say your punk, stop spending mommy and daddy's money to buy your $50 pants and $25 t-shirts. get a job and earn what you spend or better yet DIY.The so called anarchists out there with their anarchy wrist bands, shirts, hats and belt buckles make me sick. There is nothing more hypocritical than spending money on a symbol of anti-capitolism and the removal of the government. There probally on that old anti-Bush bandwagon and want to seem hardcore. You arn't anarchist, you've never slept under the cold night sky with no where to go, youve never took a stand youve only talked. You are sheep following the heard to the slaughter, if you knew anything about anarchy then you would realize how hypocritical it truly is to purchass this pre-paackaged, corporate sponsored anarchy. You are just supporting that corporate evil you are supposedly fighting against. You make me sick an embarassed to be an anarchist.Look, Bush won't change, but you can, stop following these stupid MTV trends and learn to think for yourself!

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you've spoken out my thoughts tattoopunk.... i never said this out in any public forum though...(no offence meant to any american Xisto member)

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Read my sig?America are hypocrites, and this:sucks,Bush thinks he can do whatever he wants, and send troops over to wherever to get them freedom. And take Iraqi's for instance, Now some Iraqi's are like:"Hey, you can take your soldiers, you can take you freedom, Bush, because we don't want it". That's right, people are commenting that Amerika is a wasteland and is a bad example. Who wants this type of freedom: You can do anything you want, You can hurt people, kill people, have sex with anyone, walking around with guns, drive by shootings, and get away with it. No one has respect for the law anymore. No one has respect for people anymore. No one has respect for property. Seriously, America is decaying. We are no longer a free country, we are a freakn ghetto who claims we can do anything we want. There's a line between freedom, and ...... Americaness. I mean and the law doesn't care anymore, cops will break codes, and beat the living shwa out of someone for Jwalking. And then there's cops who don't enforce the law at all, and let a guy with a vodka bottle in one hand, a joint in the other, a heroin needle in his shoulder, and crack smothered around his face walk right passed him. Some contries have too many restrictions, and we have none. We look at a poor country and they say "OMG this is horrible". And they look at us and say "WTF?". And bush says We're gonna help you get freedom". Well this is not freedom, this is madness. Americans take advantage of everything.I'm embarrased to live in this place.

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I agree with you, though I have to inquire as to whether or not you simply assume that all people who shop at Hot Topic and wear 'punk' clothes are wannabes. Do you? There really are some people who simply like the clothing style :PAnd while we are on the subject of people pretending to be something they are not, I have another to add: the girls who pretend to be bisexual to get boys to pay more attention to them. They drive me absolutely up the wall, and now anybody who truly is of a different orientation is automatically considered a ***** because of the influence the fakers have had on a great majority of people. This has happened at my school, and it is a shame that such ignorance exists. :/

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