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Anyone Else Listen To Anything Other Than The Top?

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The music industry today is quite weird. If you don't have a top 20 hit with obscene radio play, you don't get listened to. I haven't listened to corporate radio in about 18 months and have never experienced such amazing music because of that fact. I now am free to seacch for a new, or old, band and really get into all of there music. In a world where suits tell our DJ's what to play why not just have computers do everything? there are few good stations left on the air, and there numbers are dwindling more and more every day.Am I just rambling here or do any of you agree? Music is all the same now, when a unique band comes out, 10 more just like it pop out of nowhere. What happened to indy music? not nessicarly indy but independent recordings and music that ment something?

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I totally agree. I am so sick of hearing the same freaking 30 songs on the radio over and over. Once one station plays something the others ALL OVER THE COUNTRY play the same crap too. There is tons of music out there and the stuff that doesn't get radio play isn't ALL bad! Plenty of it is much better than what you will hear on the radio. If you want to get into indie music the best thing to do is get active in your local music scene. Talk to bands, go to local shows at bars or clubs, and exchange music with some of the people you meet.

If you are looking to hear some new indie music you can check out my site I'm working on at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

It's not fully functional but you can download some cool free music.

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i also agree. it's not that all played music sucks, but there is so much more music out there... somewhere. ofcourse, it depends on what radio station you listen to, but they all play crap sometimes, just because it's in the top-i-don't-know-how-many. that's why you need sites like the draft. unknown music should get known. the top-i-don't-know-how-many is just a random selection, actually. i don't know if there are any dutch people here, i thought just jipman (hoi) but anyway who is dutch, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ once in a while. not-dutch people can go there too, it's a very simple system.

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There is obviously a bit of a conundrum with the fact that there are an innumerable amount of music artists out there now many of which are just plain terrible and some that are really good but with no real way to get exposure on a large scale. I think commerciality in many cases merely comes down to distribution and exposure rather than whether or not someone is good. This is easily evidenced in current mainstream radio - at least in the USA. That's not to say that occasionally a very good artist doesn't break the exposure and/or distribution barrier but it's not often. It seems even if there was a good way to get exposure and distribution for more bands that even that wouldn't solve the problem. It's like US elections - there is no way to guarantee equal exposure for everyone. In the end - unfortunately it comes down to the money. Whoever throws enough money into distribution and promotion is usually the winner combined with many other factors as well but none as important as the money. So I guess in a way it's up to us as consumers to go out and FIND the good music and put OUR money in support (by buying albums or merch or whatever) of the band or artist we like. The only way any of us "Have-nots" will ever overcome what the "haves" try to shove down our throats is by banding together and fighting back with our power of numbers.Also if you know or suggest any music I could hear that would rule.Peace

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