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Republic: The Revolution Because it invented its own genre

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Wow, has anyone ever heard of/attemped to play this game? This game is amazing. It is set in a post cold war ussr country where a totalitarian 'president' took control and silences all opposition. When you were young, he killed your parents and you want revenge. How do you do it? By starting a new faction to battle the government. How do you do that? I have no idea. While the game has beautiful graphics, and a good story/objective, the delivery was horrible. The game is controlled by queing 'actions' to be done during parts of the day. 'Actions' is a very loosely used word, because it is more movie than action. Its a choose your own adventure movie. While the actions are nicely animated, you never have time to watch them, because you are trying to cue actions on the minimap the whole time.The booklet is a joke for this game. The ingame tutorials are all static images that say refer to instruction book for more information. Over a period of about 3 or 4 hours, it starts to make sense, but only if you have the patience, and you don't play any other game at all.The voice acting is great, for speaking a russing sounding version of simspeak. The music is excellent. Full symphonic orchesteras and everything.This game gets a 2 out of 5. Its a great idea, great graphics and sound, but the delivery totally sucks on it.

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Amazing game, need a good computer to play though, each person, even civilians, have there own skin and frame! I thought this game deserved much better than a 2 out of 5 it was more like a 3 or a 3.5 of 5. The story is amazing, great Idea, bonus for being so unique. If you get good at the game there is plenty of time to watch the more important stuff, you just cue when nessicary, don't constantly be active ore you'll arouse more suspission. As you gain support you are able to attack your enimies both politically and physically. Its like the sims but good. I definatly recomend it.

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