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Useless Posts Dont you hate useless responses?

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We are all here for mostly the same reasons. To gain more knowledge help others gain more knowledge and be inquisitive. A place for us to hangout with people who look like they know what they are saying or have extensive knowledge on a topic.But it can be irritating when you ask a question and the first reply you get states “you can go on google and do a search for the xyz you are looking for”. We all know how to do a search on goolge right? But the reason you asked the question was to see if someone had already research the information you’re looking for and could provide it faster than searching through tons of pages on google and long hours.So could the users who respond with go on google and search please let someone else who can provide valuable information make the first response?And no I’m not angry but have seen too many of these responses on a lot of forums I visit and think they are useless.Now who want to bite my head off?

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yeah.haha, i find this a useless topic actually.and i'm pro the "search google" response. really. google will get you most of the things you are searching for way faster than any forum. you have to realise that, no matter what problem you are having, someone has had that very same problem before and asked it on a forum and got an answer, or fixed it himself and wrote an article about it.it's the best answer you can give! it tells the other one that he should start looking himself instead of expecting answers to be thrown at him. it's the best learning school there is.

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yeh i see what you mean i get the stuff all the time. most of the time i search on google first then i dont find the answer i post on a forum. or if i want a personal response for things like is it easy to use, or is it good. things like that. its good to speak on the forum better than being independent and searching through pages and pages on google. clicking next... next... next... i find it boring. we are always learning and its good to share knowledge from a personal view or first hand. not out of a text book.

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I think you should just google 'useless posts' to find the answer to your question... Just kidding. I agree that that is a bad response. I surf on a tmobile sidekick 2. Dial up speeds, one browser. One page at a time takes forever to find information, but my mom won't let me get internet on my computer, so its better than nothing. Actual answers would be nice

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I think google posts can be helpful they indicate that there is hope out there of finding your answear. And sumtimes they can help narrow it down what you are looking for. You can always find an answear on google.. it's quick and a great source..Why not adore the google? :):):(:( you know you want to...

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But the reason you asked the question was to see if someone had already research the information youâre looking for and could provide it faster than searching through tons of pages on google and long hours.



I always Google because it searches forums as well which will almost always have information that people have researched and put into a friendly way.


And generally when you are really stuck on something, you have no background knowledge on the subject. If you knew were to start then you could look up pieces easily. Like for example, if I wanted to build a webpage and wanted to know how to use the definition tags, would posting here do me any good? Not when I can find the answer by Googling in 10 seconds, where the answer is much more accurate.


But say I didn't know how to build a web page. Would asking on a forum do any good. Not really because they would assume you had some background knowledge, they don't know your understanding level. And how many people are going to post a step by step guide everytime someone asks a question like that when the answer is out there put in a thousand different ways.


So Googling can be better than posting in a forum.


However, I do agree with you in that posting "Google it" is pointless. What should be done is post a link to the website that you find easy to understand and useful. But I do recommend to search google for anything like that before posting. There are websites out there that will help. What I do is click on page nine or ten of Google, less known sites are there but they tend to have better information.

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