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Deep Freeze You Partition ... Or Shield your Drive

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Hi all,

I saw quite a few messages here about partitioning schemes and hdd partitions in general. Here I present two utilities, unfortunately NONE freeware - yet they are something that is a MUST HAVE for all users. Both of them ask you to choose One or Multiple Partitions that you wish to protect and then LOCKS them up for good.


This doesn't mean that they write protect your partitions - you still are able to read/write from those partitions, EVEN DELETE them, Wipe out your Windows folder completely.. in effect trashup your partition completely - and yet as soon as you reboot your system, the partition along with all its data is back right in the place it was. Nothing short of a miracle, if you ask me ;) Even the viruses can't get through - anti viruses are only effective up to a certain extend, but when combined with either of these software they make an explosive pair.


But this means that any new programs that you install will get wiped out too ?? Right you are - even though this is kind of a disadvantage, all you have to do is boot your system using a special password for these sw and your drive is back to the UNLOCKED state. Look at the brighter side now - I'm sure all of you download gigs of new sw from the net and try them out - I for one do almost everyday. Since they are meant just for testing I just go ahead and install them without mercy, knowing that as soon as I reboot - ALL will be gone, including changes in registry and all the files/folders that were created. Now the ones that I like among these - I keep for permanent installation - the others go down the trash bin... Pretty convenient aay ??


Try out both and see which one you like more:

DriveShield Plus from CenturionTech

DriveShield  PLUS for Home Computer Protection is an innovative  âInstant Restoreâ  product providing a âSAFE SURFâ environment reducing computer problems before they occur.  DriveShield PLUS actually âshieldsâ your computerâs hard drive from Spyware, Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Cookies and other potentially harmful computer changes.  Antivirus software is still recommended to protect the computer from email viruses, however, with DriveShield PLUS, users are free to surf the web without permanently storing dangerous Internet malicious code that is intended to harm the operation of the computer or impede upon your personal privacy.  DriveShield PLUS For Home also locks out other tracking software that records a userâs online activity⌠such as email passwords, instant messenger activity, online banking transactions, chat room visits and website history.


Users have the freedom to try new settings or download new software without penalty or permanency.  After a surfing session, trying something new with the computer, or downloading an unfamiliar software, the user simply reboots the machine and all the changes are flushed free from the computer, restoring it to âlike newâ condition.   


Deep Freeze Pro by Deep Freeze, Denmark

Deep Freeze, all versions:

Protects your harddisk completely,  Windows 95/98/ME/2000pro/XP or Mac OS X


    * Deep Freeze has set a new high standard of reliability

      and ease of use in Windows Protection.

    * Whatever hackers, mischief makers and innocent clickers attempt,

      their "work" will instantly disappear when the computer is restarted.

    * The computer operates without restrictions or security barriers

      and all programs run normally.

    * Just install, restart and its working. Save files to a floppy, network,

      other partition or into a specified Deep Freeze "thawed" space (Pro version).

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