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Fear Effect A Playstation Classic

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Many of you wouldnt know about this game, I wont be surprised as it wasnt that popular but yet was better than many action adventure games I have ever played. My mother bought it for me, I think it was saying congrads or something for how well I did in my exams... Cant remember though. But anyway, this game is amazing. Its spawned on four discs, each disc contains a different environment and continues with the cinematic-style storyline. However each disc only goes on for about 30 minutes, not even that if you complete the puzzles quickly. The reason why it needs four discs is because they managed to create Playstation 2-style graphics for a console that Sony claimed was 'impossible' to do. But they managed to do it with FX Technology. But of course the PS2 console has come out so why would we need Fear Effect for? Well, because it has the most original and immersive storyline ever! Go look it up in reviews online and I bet they will rank it near enough to the top. This is a must, so if you still have your old PS console or the PS2 then go and buy this game, as it probably wont cost much by now. The only downside I can think of is the puzzles are ridiculously hard

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