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Economic Boom In China Hey... just guessing

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For anybody who has been catching up in the money magazine, Fortune and any other sources of economic info and updates, do you think there will be a future economic blast-off in China? We all heard of China's ascending growth in the automobile market, Intel market, and etc. This communist country has also become a global giant trade center with imports and exports totalling up to $851 billion last year. While the rest of the world seems to be in economy down-hurl, China seems to be slowly climbing up the ladder.So what do you think? Do you think China will be developing a great business future? Or do you disagree that China will end up following the same destructive paths as South Korea and Japan? Will China be coming up with their own international brands (i.e. Samsung and Sony)?Personally, I have great faith in China's economy at the moment (considering how bad America is at the moment). If it really skyrockets, I'll be sure to be there. Not gonna miss an opportunity like that if it ever comes up in a world like this, if you know what I mean. x]So please leave your opinion or whatever news you grabbed. It'll be great if there's any feedback.

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For anybody who has been catching up in the money magazine, Fortune and any other sources of economic info and updates, do you think there will be a future economic blast-off in China?  We all heard of China's ascending growth in the automobile market, Intel market, and etc.  This communist country has also become a global giant trade center with imports and exports totalling up to $851 billion last year.  While the rest of the world seems to be in economy down-hurl, China seems to be slowly climbing up the ladder.


So what do you think?  Do you think China will be developing a great business future?  Or do you disagree that China will end up following the same destructive paths as South Korea and Japan?  Will China be coming up with their own international brands (i.e. Samsung and Sony)?


Personally, I have great faith in China's economy at the moment (considering how bad America is at the moment).  If it really skyrockets, I'll be sure to be there.  Not gonna miss an opportunity like that if it ever comes up in a world like this, if you know what I mean. x]


So please leave your opinion or whatever news you grabbed.  It'll be great if there's any feedback.


Right now China has tons of cheap labor due to low costs(and quality) of living. However, in terms of things like electroics and other advanced trades it only has a few major centers and then nothing. Same with education. In addition, China is polluting its environment at a furious pace, as it has been a dumping ground not only for itself, but western nations as well. This will bite them long term as they have a problem with resources and quite possibly a health care crisis. China's current economic boom is because they are going through something akin to the industrial revolution in the west, with their advances mainly coming from manufacturing. Manufacuring requires few trained/educated workers and large numbers of workers with easy to train skills, which perfectly fits china's current workforce.


China will have problems breaking out of this mold, due to how their current economic and educational base is currently set up.

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Yeah, I can see why you would say that. It's true that China's environment and pollution predicaments has been terrible even before this "current" economic boom and health issues are not really what you would say "up-to-shape." I appreciate your comments and view. Thanks.

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I think China may have an economic boom, however I think in order to become an economic force on the level of western countries, I think democratic reforms must take place before. I think China's authoritarian government will not allow the economy to fully boom, especially in the area of technology, and I think a change to democracy will be required and hopefully will happen not too far away.

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In the 1960s, Singaporeans were mostly speaking Chinese dialects and the goverment encouraged people at that generation to learn English as the Americans were on the winning side.My father was not one of them, but close.Right now, it seems abit like the opposite and NOW the goverment encourages my generation to learn Chinese well...Believe it or not, most Chinese I know of can't speak Chinese well....but even if China outgrows the US economy, the US has already set up the rules for the game.They are like the only nation that can place aircraft carriers around the world.

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I also wonder how this economic growth compares to the early years of the Soviet Union.Back then in the Soviet Union, they were shipping peasants from the countryside into factories, so it appeared that the Soviet Union would overtake the United States, and its yearly growth did, BUT you know, the issue with productivity. Yeah.

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