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Little Health Tips To Good Health... Simple things to do to become healthier.

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From my own perspectives here are little ways you can do to make big differences in your health!



1. Eat more greens, vegetable, and fruits


As a Taiwanese person, our habit of eating a lot of green leafy vegetables and fruits after meals prove to be beneficial to our health. It's got lots of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You've heard about all the benefits of eating more veggies and fruits, so I will not say more here...


2. Take the steps


In many of our busy schedule we simply cannot find any time for regular exercise sometimes. I used to be very active, always playing some type of sports. After I started med school, I simply had no time to exercise or maybe sometimes just too lazy when I do have time. I moved off campus and live on the sixth floor for a purpose. Everyday, I climb the steps at least four times. However, if you can exercise regularly, it would be even better!


3. Stop smoking


Any way you put it, smoking is not good for the health and also the health of those around you. You are simply killing yourself slowly. It doesn't matter if you've been smoking for ten years already, stop the bad habit now and you shall benefit! Smoking contributes to cardiovascular problems, cancer, lung diseases, etc and the list goes on.


4. Moderate alcohol consumption


It's reported many times by the news that researches found moderate drinking have benefits to reducing some cardiovascular diseases. It is well known the relationship between alcohol and liver cirrhosis with alcohol abuse. I personally don't drink anymore, but that's my preference.


5. Don't be greedy


Think twice about taking another piece of the cheesecake when you've finished one already. You see, our bodies will store up all the energy that we do not use as fats in the body. When you start eating all that extra food, where do you think all that energy will be stored? Yep, think about it. One pound or two pounds may not hurt you now. Until when they all add up later on...


There will be more so check back!!!

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6. Meals on TimeIt's logical that it's good to eat at the same time everyday: breakfast in the morning, lunch in the noon, and dinner at night. Breakfast as my parents always used to say is the most important meal of the day. It's good to develop the habit of having breakfast in the morning, especially if you are a student.7. Rest well After a good night's sleep you find that you are more alert and focused. The increases you productivity throughout the day. I can remember after about a week of sleepless nights, I started to read words on the page in a book that weren't there, and it took me more time to comprehend what I was reading.8. Anger and temperament controlThese two can really do some damage. For me personally, I deal with them quite easily. However, the times when I cannot really control them, in the end my stomach. Maybe it's another area for you, but you get what I mean...

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Also..Listen to your body.. if you want to stop eating, is it wise to tell you're body not to? What are you going against your body for? It is a grand machine and it dosent need man-made influences [ex.physical addiction to sugar, which is really very common]. If you can't put the brakes on eating unhealthy food, simpy only eat what you really want. That way you get no cravings..

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