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Meditation Meditation: benefitshow2doit

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Well, maybe some (or maybe many) of you have heard of the benefits of meditation. I'll summ the best ones up for you:

People who meditate regularly have been shown to feel less anxiety and depression.

They experience more enjoyment and appreciation of life and that their relationships with others are improved.

Meditation produces a state of deep relaxation and a sense of balance or equanimity.

It lowers your blood pressure.

It helps to build up your resistance against illness's and diseases.

Ppl hooked on addictions (such as drugs, smoking, drinking) should do well to meditate. Meditation lowers the need for such things.

How 2 meditate:


Begin your meditation with this:

Sit up, closeyour eyes and bring your attention to your breathing.

Softly press the nose bone of your right nose breach.

Breathe deeply and slowly through the other breach for as long as you can.

Feel the breath go through you into your lungs.

Hold your breath for a few secs,

Release your thumb and slowly let the air flow out. Try to make the breath inwards as long as the one outwards.

Do this a few times, and as soon as you notice you become relaxed and peaceful, you can start the actual ...


In this meditation breathing is our meditation object. We try to focus on the rhythm of our breathing. Because this is only the beginning and depending on your air capacity we take 10 seconds the time to inhale. Afterwards we hold the breath 10 seconds and take we 10 seconds the time to exhale. If this goes easily then it's possible you take 15 or 20 seconds take for every phase of breathing. We count in our ideas and follow with attention breathing. We inhale by our nose (if possible) and try separate each and every breath linearly over the 10 secs. Start you inhalation from your abdomen, to your ribs and midriff and eventually to the upper part chest. While exhaling you do the same but exactly the other way around. If you hold the breath you can take a point as the umbilical point or possible sensations in your body as a point of interest. Each time if we go astray in our ideas returns we to our breathing. Ideal is it if you can seconden apprehend after course of time 20secs /20secs/ 20secs cycle.


Well, that's about it. This is just a basic form of meditation. Search google for it and before you know it your up and in 1000's of site about it. It's really wortwhile, i reccomend it.

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Actually, meditating is just focusing on one thing.



When you're "thinking about nothing" you're concentrating on breathing.



So actually you could just meditate without any "perquisites", which help you, but that's just like stat boosters in rpg games. They make it better but aren't required.



You can also meditate by reading a book, or doing anything. You just have to focus completely on it. It actually makes you twice as efficient at work.



Of course there are some techniques (other than the ones that you mentioned)

for meditating:


Yantra - just look on an image and concentrate on it- that's basically it. I could write a 20 page essay on "what image it should be". But that would miss the point.

Of course there are many images that are created for yantra meditation. (As I said you can use almost every image (as long as it isn't of a living being).


Example of Yantra images:


Posted Image

For more images, just search "Yantra" at google images.(https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl)


The other way of meditating is just to listen to the voices of nature.


Just sit in the garden and listen to the sounds of nature.


(So simple)



There are of course positions for meditating (Like the lotus position), but they're not required, they're just for "unstressing" your body.


And if you don't have time, you can as well meditate in your favourite chair.

(Or as I said by reading a book).




Also there's a meditating diet for hardcore meditators:


- No flesh

- No white bread

- No sugar

- No fish

- Foods with chemicals



- Milk products

- fruit

- cheese

- Rice




So basically that's all I remember from that book about meditating I've read some time ago.

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