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Champions: Return To Arms

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This is the seqaul to the game champions of norrath and is based on everquest the MMORPG everquest there are 7 classes to chose from each with there unique skill tree. the calsses are as follows.Iksar - Shaman - (Male)Vah Shir - Beserker - (Male)Barbarian - Warrior - (Male/Female)Wood Elf - Ranger - (Male/Female)High Elf - Cleric - (Male/Female)Erudite - Wizard - (Male/Female)Dark Elf - Shafow Knight - (Male/Female)When you make your charecter you can customize to how you would like it to look the customizing features are:Skin tone/PaintingHairFacial HairHair ColourHorns - IksarFacial Horns - IksarHorn Colour - IksarThe main story is in champions of norrath you are trying to kill this orc called Innoruuk and you do. He was the prince of hate.In return to arms hate has infected everything and you have to chose to be evil or good on the side of evil you are trying to spread the hate and on good trying to stop it.This is a hack and slash rpg with lots of action you can play single player or have a few mates round and play 2 play or with a multitap 3 or 4 player. There is also a internet option so you can play with people over the internet.

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