xelloss 0 Report post Posted September 5, 2004 I know these two movies hav been in theaters for a while now but just wonderin since theres no topic about movies or somewhat yet il start one. I watched spider-man 2 a couple of weeks ago and i was like amazed on at first creeped out from doc ocs octopus arms. Well not the arms part but when all the needles go into him. the fight scense were very detailed and made me jump out of my seat almost. And now to anchorman. Will ferrell as leading actor was right for the spot as Rob bergendy. Lol the best part i say i liked was when there was a bilingual blood feast for rob bergendys blood and most ppl got hurt. Im starting to not make scence now since its late here. Hope you can make what i wrote and understand it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites