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I Need Help! Badly

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ok, well yesturday i was building my website and i had been in the pc for about 6 hours, well, i was using cuteftp to upload files, but now cutefto doesnt want to connect to my website for some reason this error appears:


STATUS:> Getting listing ""...

STATUS:> Resolving host name xcite.trap17.com...

STATUS:> Host name xcite.trap17.com resolved: ip = x.x.x.x.

STATUS:> Connecting to FTP server xcite.trap17.com:21 (ip = x.x.x.x)...

STATUS:> Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...

ERROR:> Control connection closed.


well i substituded the actual ip for the x's.

but i was wondering if there was anything i could do about it. :D

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You can ftp directly to the ip = x.x.x.x. address, just put your username and password in the correct fields on your ftp client.the server will take you to your space based on cpanel username and password.Nils

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