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Dissapearing Act.

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One more among many as of late, I had a really weird day this past week. It seemed like an evil or at least mischevious magician was following me about tormenting me. I was grooming dogs that morning, and my clipper blade was getting dull so I was running it in the blade wash frequently. After you dip it in the wash you have to wipe off the excess oil on a paper towel to keep from getting oil all over the dogs. I usually just keep one paper towel handy and use it several times until it's all soaked up. I wiped off the blade, cut a bit more doggie hair and when I washed the blade again the towel had dissapeared! Vanished, without a trace. I looked everywhere, and since I was standing still in one spot I knew it couldn't be more than an arms lengh away, but I never did find it.


So later, after the grooming session, my only desire is to hit the shower. You wouldn't believe how itchy dog hair can be when it is cut into tiny pieces and distributed all over your body, including up your nose and in your eyes. While in the shower, I grabed my bar of homemade lye soap, it is wonderful on itchy places, and I had some bug bites on my chest that where bothering me almost as bad as the dog hair. (not quite as bad, but pretty close.) Luckily I did get myself soaped up before the bar slid out of my hands. I heard it hit the tub wall, but it too dissapeared. With the shower curtain pulled shut it would of had to land in the tub but it was gone! Big bar too, it's not like it disolved or anything. I never did find the bar of soap either. I can't figure out how I can loose things in such small, enclosed spaces.

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Well one mystery solved. And an interesting concept proven. Do any of you every watch the TV show Perception? It's about this crazy genius guy (even spell checking won't help me with what he has) that solves all sorts of crimes, kind of a spin off cross of Sherlock Holmes with the Nutty Professor. He had one episode about how our mind plays ticks on our eyes and how we see what our brain tells us should be there. It has some big fancy name of which I can't recall right now, and probably couldn't spell it if I did. Anyway, a week later I finally found the missing bar of soap. It was on the shower rack, just one space above where I normally put it. Apparently what happened was when I reached up to put it up I turned a little and bumped the built in shelf in the side of the shower and knocked off a little bottle of something else. My mind heard the other bottle hit the floor of the shower, and since I had the slippery bar of soap in my hands, I assumed it was the soap I heard fall. After all, it was not in the space I normally put it. Despite the fact that is was actually only about 3 inches higher on the next shelf I didn't see it. I find this all really really weird.

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