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Best Excuse Yet!

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For years the hubby and I have had this little thing going on about his putting gravel back in the dog pens for me. The daily poop scooping gradually over time takes out the gravel along with the poo and so they need to be refilled sometimes to keep the dogs clean. We bought a back hoe years ago, an old one, and fixed it all up so it would be easy to put gravel in, but it seems every time I need gravel moved he comes up with some excuse as to why he can't do it. Sometimes it's because the back hoe is broken down, which it is a lot since it is a very old one, it was down for over a year once needing the engine rebuilt, but even before that when it was running there was always some reason he couldn't put gravel in for me. Sometimes the hoe just had a flat tire, or a hydralic line leaking, other times it would of just been raining and the pen I needed gravel in was on a hillside and it was too slick to put in gravel. Other times he just wasn't feeling good or some other excuse. It is kind of a drag, and a lot of times I just get the hired hands to use a wheelbarrow to put gravel in, which as I'm sure you can guess, is a rather tiresome and unpopular job. A couple of times he did even get his buddy to come out and bring his little bobcat and do a bunch of them. (we actually bought one of those years ago, it's supposed to be mine, but he never has finished fixing it up)


Well anyway, he just finished up the rebuild on the back hoe this spring. I thought I was in the clear so last night I asked him to put gravel in the pen I had just cleaned and was getting ready for my Standard Poodle who is pregnaunt so she would have a nice fresh pen to go in. Of all the excuses he has used over the years, last night was the best one yet! He informed me that he was just about to go into Walmart and buy a 10lb bag of chicken leg quarters so he could bar B Que last night, and if he had to put gravel in he wouldn't have time to BBQ! He knows what a sucker I am for his fantastic bbq! Needless to say, no gravel got put in last night. This is one time I didn't mind his excuse to much.

But at least he did finally get it in this morning. I"m happy, Poodle is happy, so I guess it all works out in the end.

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Ah shucks, I thought that was a petty good title, better than some I come up with. He is always finding excuses for not putting gravel in the pens. I guess I'm no good at titles. Come to think of it, I'm not good at nameing anything, you should hear some of the crazy names I come up with for my dogs! Many years ago I had a dog I named Donename. Pronounced Doe knee Name. The dog was deaf, so she "don't need name" since she coudn't hear it anyway. :)

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