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Wake Up New Yorkers!

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You folks in New York need to do something about that nut job you have for a mayor up there. I'm not sure even voting him out of office is good enough, perhaps a round of tar and feathering might be a better idea. Are all New Yorkers spinless sissys that will let the government tell them how big of a soda they can drink? How on earth can you let such government overreach go unchecked? Talk about a Nanny state! While crime runs rampant in the streets, your mayor is spending time and recourses telling you it's illegal to have a Big Gulp! That is just insanity. And as long as you do nothing about it it will continue to get more and more restrictive. Would you all please get that stupid moron out of office before he polutes the rest of the country? Yes, the soda ban was struck down by the supreme court. However, look at the cost to the tax payers, not only for the court case but the promotion and passage of this idiotic law to start with. And you wonder why the city is in financial trouble? And many small businesses were hurt by this action, due to the costs of dinners out going up to the consumers since they had to start serving soda's in small bottles and couldn't sever the less expensive pitchers of soda. If it costs more, people will eat out less. Plain and simple. So PLEASE New Yorkers, remember next time at the ballot box what a dumb *bottom* you have for a mayor. Remember how he intrudes into the very basic simple things in your lifestyle, and how he wastes your tax dollars on stupid regulations instead of trying to fix your cities real problems, like crime and a failing educational system and all the other disasters your city is facing. VOTE HIM OUT!!!

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