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Saving Tax Payers $$$$

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I just thought of a good way we can save some money and get this huge deficite reduced that our government has run up. Lets get rid of congress. President too. What good are they? They haven't made a budget in several years, even if they are required by law to do so every year. We already have more laws on the books than any one human could read in half a life time. So we sure don't need them makeing more laws now do we? Seems like all they do is quarrel back and forth with each other and waste our money. They can't agree on anything, no matter how simple. They aren't doing a bloody thing for us, not making our lives any better, safer or easier. Let's dump the whole stinking lot of them. We could keep the judicial branch, and our court system. Let them inforce the laws that are already on the books. There are already thousands of those. Who needs any more? So, what do you think? Sure would save lots of money with all their saleries, office staff, aids, buildings, secret service protection, cars, living expences, and all the millions they rack up on our dime.

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