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I Might Not Even Have Existed Call it fate, luck, prevoyance or whatever you want

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People often talk about Guardian angels, or fate, or Lady Luck, or "Someone up there" looking after us.


Call it what you wish (depending on whether you believe or not), but there is definitely such a thing as those described above.


Had such a thing not existed, I probably would never have been born.


Here is the full story:


I am from a family where the men, from father to son, have been fishermen for generaion, which was quite normal, with my family being from Ostend in Flanders, where the fishing industry, next to tourism, were the main sources of income.


One day, my dad had to go on a fishing trip to Iceland, a trip which meant being away from home for at least eighteen days.


As it happened, mum was about to give birth to the twins, so dad said "There is no way i am going to go on this trip and miss the birth of my children", and my uncle, who was due to sail on the same voyage, and who was supposed to be godfather of one of the twins, felt exactly the same.


So, dad and my uncle go to the muster station and hand in their muster books, so the company exempt them and find replacements for them to go on the voyage.


What happened?

The ship never came back, there was not one survivor.


Now, call it what you wish, but there must be something that decides our destiny, and, as I said, if things had turned out differently, I would never have been born.

Edited by mrdee (see edit history)

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That is a very neat story! So many stories like that, I read quite a few after 9-11 how people were saved from that terrible disaster because their alarm clock didn't go off, or they missed the bus or a dozen other things that caused them to be late or miss work that fateful day. Are the twins your older siblings? Anyway, I'm certainly glad that a Guardian angels, or fate, or Lady Luck, or "Someone up there" was looking out for you.

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Yes, Sheepdog, there must be something that decides whether it is or is not time for us to go (like in my dad's and my uncle's case) or whether is or is not supposed to happen.Difficult to work out in any case.And yes, very likely that the twins are my older siblings, as the story says I might not had existed if my dad had gone on that journey.I am the youngest of six.Which reminds me, I think I had double luck or something like that (reminded me of a story mum told me, thanks to you mentioning the twins being my older siblings):Mum had to go into hospital one day to have an operation because there had been a problem with her womb it had moved out of place or something similar).The doctor suggested for mum to have a hysterectomy, but still being quite young, mum refused and opted to just have the operation to correct the existing problem (there were five children at the time).Believe it or not, a few years later, mum had her sixth child, that was me.(There are six years of difference between my brother (the fifth one) and me).So, once again, it seems that something or someone was determined for me to get born, as there were two occurrences which might have stopped me from ever existing.But (so much is coming back into my mind now as I write those things down and think about further stories I was told), it still does not stop there.I was born with jaundice, a simple thing these days, but, in those days, quite a serious problem, it seems my general health was very questionable too when I was a baby.Anyway, one day, the doctor suggested to have me admitted to hospital, and added things did not look good and that the trip to the hospital would most probably be my last one.To that mum and dad both said "if he has to die anyway, he might as well die at home so he can spend his last weeks or days or hours, or whatever the doctor had predicted, with the people who love him".In the end, the doctor agreed and admitted "you probably have a point there".So, I was probably put on medication and treated at home, and, yes, I am still here, aren't I?That makes me think: would someone be looking out for me after all?

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Another thing if mrdee never excisted we wouldnt have celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year.And our two children wouldnt excist either.I am glad he does excist or we wouldnt have our two beautiful grandaughters.And we wouldnt be sat here today reeling with excitement over vthe birth of Dido's 8 lovely puppies.So its very lucky mrdee does excist. :D

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