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Raccoon Dogs Skinned Alive To Make Fake Ugg Boots Makes me sick

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China seems to have every kind of demented practice when it comes to Animal cruelty. It seems they aren't happy with chopping live snakes or frying fish alive(Gruesome)because they have started making "UGG" boots out of raccoon dogs, and for since they love the suffering animal, they do it while the animal is alive.

I am aware of fur farms where the animals are killed humanely in order to obtain their fur since bullets and knives can ruin it.. But these guys do nothing but stun them and then start skinning them, simply appalling. UGG boots traditionally made of sheep skin turned into a fad because a few celebs started flaunting them. Doesn't it simply suck that we can do nothing to stop such acts?

Graphic Pictures. Be warned

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Yes, and in the mean time, our own government in the USA is doing it's dead level best to regulate dog breeders out of existance. Then when no one can raise dogs here in this country, imagine the cruelety that will be prevelant in the Chinese dogs we will be importing.

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Yes, and in the mean time, our own government in the USA is doing it's dead level best to regulate dog breeders out of existance. Then when no one can raise dogs here in this country, imagine the cruelety that will be prevelant in the Chinese dogs we will be importing.

Off topic

I totally get what you are saying because breeders incapable of breeding the right way seem to have complete freedom(corruption)while the good breeders who love their dogs and take the effort in respects to vaccinations, feeding & nursing are given a serious hard time. I have come across many breeders who join hands with vets for the sake of profits and get their mongrels, defective animals a certificate of good health/pedigree... A lab/boxer mix female actually got her pedigree certificate "pure labrador" because of a vet :( Dogs with problems with hip dysplasia or malformed/single testicles are not allowed to breed to avoid the bad genes continuing BUT sadly breeders DO end up breeding these unfortunate animals who end up siring defective puppies and you would know how expensive treatment is for hip dysplasia not to mention agonizing for the pups

Many owners are fooled into buying sickly puppies and then get rid of them humanely/inhumanely. Now coming back to the topic, I saw the video and trust me, the way they were skinning those animals... wow, I wanted to skin those people.. Though my post is clean, I was really cussing out when I was writing it. And the worst bit is that there is nothing that could stop those people unless you abandoned the product itself or who knows, they might realize these dogs could be put to use in some other fake fur racket.

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