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Can't Believe I Missed That!

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I can't count the number of times I've watched the Lord of the Rings trilligy, I love those movies, the great graffics and scenery is just so cool. One of the best things about the big holidays, this time for the 4th of July, they always seem to run either the Star Wars movies, or Lord of the Rings, this weekend both ran, so I was in hog heaven. Anyway, I got to thinking the main human charector really looked familiar, I told my old man it looked just like the guy that played the lead in Hildago, another favorite movie of mine. The one about the horse race where an American wild mustang competed against all the arabians in an endurance race across the desert. I kept watching and decided if it wasn't the same guy, it had to be his brother. We just happen to have Hildago on DVD, so I grabbed our copy, and sure enough it is the same actor! I can't believe I never noticed it before. Talk about being a talented actor! How hard it must be to go from a cowboy to a King! He really is talented.

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