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How To Protect Your E-Mail And The Confidential Data Yaho, Gmail, Hotmail, etc..

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The most important tip: Do not hold your important data by email unless it is strictly necessary. Do not keep sensitive data on public and free mail service (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.).List of tips continue here:1. Choose a password hard to guess which contains at least one number and / or a capital letter, which was a change in a few months.2. Answers to questions should not be secret and the real nor easy to guess. Anyone can find out more or less work as a calling on your cat or the car driving.3. When you are given the option to recover the password via a phone number you use it. Yahoo and Gmail for example have that option.4. Set your alternative email address as another account with another password, secret and other answers other questions that do not expire if not accessed for a long period of time and that you access only in extreme cases.5. Never, absolutely never, do not register major accounts on the email address used to discussions on the Yahoo Messenger / MSN Messenger / Gtalk or which is posted on the Internet. Mail address that you keep confidential data should not be available to everyone, and here you talk about your secret knowledge that address both the eyes of strangers as well.6. If an account has been affected and changed the password was not using the same PC from which you logged in lately to recover the account. If that PC is infected and it contains a spyware program will remain without alternative email address, you're gonna be secret questions and answers, nor will you recover your account. Find a PC from which you have not logged in to recover the account and make yours a fresh install of the operating system. Format That means not only installing the OS over the old.7. Do not give anyone your passwords. Not even friends. In particular messenger can not talk with a friend you trust 100%, but with someone who stole his friend's account and trying to learn and your account information.8. Do not answer questions such dubious "as a teacher calls on you in general."9. Do not use the same password for all accounts you hold. One account = one unique password.10. Use Type mailinator.com services will create accounts for websites you do not really need and you will soon quit.11. Do not download attachments with the extension exe, scr, bat, pif, com12. Use two browsers. One that will log on major accounts and another for browsing the Internet. Not for browsing the internet to be set as the default browser (default browser), while the accounts are secondary browser.13. I recommend not to click on links in mail received, but right click on them to copy the link and access it with another browser (not in the same browser to another page that you are logged on the account but in another browser).14. Always click "sign out" when you finish the job on that account.15. Use an updated antivirus product to date and up-to-day browsers.16. Do not download programs from unsafe sources.Hope it was usefull information!

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