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Paypal PayPal credit card charges

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I was wondering if anyone knows why would PayPal charge credit card when there are $US funds on my PayPal account. I have recently purchased on-line from a reputable US merchant and I have specified that prefer PayPal )as opposed to credit card, for example). The transaction went smooth and I have received my merchandise. However I discovered today that PayPal actually charged my credit card as opposed to using the funds available on my PayPal account. The whole point using PayPal for me was to spend the money on my PayPay account. Does anyone have any idea as to why this would happen? And did this happen to anyone else before? Thanks.


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There are several types of PayPal purchase transactions available. When you paid for your item, you should have been able to designate the type of payment you wished to use. 2 of the options are using cash from you account or charging the credit card you registered with them when you opened your account. These options are offered at purchase time. You may have missed it. If you are not satisfied with the results of the transaction, you might want to contact PayPal and explain what happened. They will be glad to help you out with how to use the cash in your PayPal account. Good Luck. ;)

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