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Lisa Murkowski Wins Alaska Race

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I been waiting for her to be confirmed as the winner of the Senate race for quite a while. If you guy don't know who she is, she is a Republican Senator from Alaska. She almost lost her seat. What happened was that as the incumbent, she lost the Republican Primaries to a tea party candidate whose name is Joe Miller. So instead of just accepting the loss, she decided to run a write in campaign for the general elections, and with the support of both the Republican supports who voted for her during primaries, and a crap load of Democrats who saw knew that the Democratic candidate has no change on earth to win and saw Joe Miller as way too extremist, voted for her. Pretty much, she moved to the center right in order to attract Democrats who was strongly against Joe Miller, and she held on to her base. She ran a write in campaign and ran radio and television ads teaching people how to spell her name, and surprisingly she won. Experts claimed that she won because Joe Miller, who was supported by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, was way to extremist and scared the crap out of Democrats. In other words, he made Murkowski look like a saint in the eyes of Democrats and their own choice was to vote for her along side her Republican supporters, or vote for the Democrat and allow Joe Miller to win. Murkowksi would have absolutely lost without the Democrats, and Democrats voted for her in large numbers and the evidence is the low number of votes garnered by the Democrat candidate. The Democrat candidate could have actually won if Democrats would have voted for him like they voted for Murkowski. Besides, Murkowski took at least 1/4th of the Republican votes away from Joe Miller, which would have been enough for the Democratic candidate to win with Democratic support.So she won, and she has been confirmed as the winner. Joe Miller has been challenging the results, claiming that some of the voters spelled her name wrong. Now in my opinion, that is a crappy challenge. Seems like Joe Miller has been suggesting that we deprive people of their voters. Even if someone spelled her name incorrectly, and she has a difficult name, that does not mean that they did not intend to vote for her. Of course he tried to interpret this and that law in order to try to keep her from getting confirmed, and to get himself confirmed, and I think he was wrong. The winner is the winner, and even if someone spelled of her name "Murkow" or "Murcow" or "Morcowski" or "Morkowsku" or "Morkow", it is obvious who they are trying to vote for. I think that he will soon drop out, because he has little chance of being confirmed and replacing Murkowski. He might as well go back and live under a rock. Another reason why I think Joe Miller lost is because of his arrogance. There was a big outrage when Joe Miller's private security guard arrested a reporter. This was not secret service, this was hired security. How can security arrest people? And why was the reporter arrest?...for asking Joe Miller a question. I think the security firm should be sued for kidnapping that reporter. Nevertheless, it really hurt Joe Miller reputation and Murkowski made sure that everyone knew about it, and it was all over the national news. The final reason why I think he lost is because of Sarah Palin. That was like the kiss of death in regards to getting Democratic support. He should have made an hard turn to the center after winning the Republican primary or at least he should have not been so extreme. He was really a charismatic guy, and he could have easily gotten Democratic support if he would have played his cards correctly. Instead, he ran his campaign as if he was an radical celebrity, he reminded me of Sarah Palin after McCain lost the 2008 Presidential Election. Sarah Palin endorsed him because of the differences that she has with Murkowski. Sarah Palin won the election against Lisa Murkowski's father in order to become the governor of Alaska. So I guess it was a big blow to Palin when Murkowski won. Joe Miller should have just dropped out of the race when it was obvious that he lost. I hate sore losers who take fair elections to trial. If you don't think that you got more votes than the other person, you shouldn't take them to court in most cases. I remember in a mayoral election in my area, the winner of the election was taken to court and the election was challenged on the basis of the winner's residency. I think the challenge was weak, especially when the winner got over 60% of the vote. There are few judges that are going to overturn the results of an election where the person overwhelmingly won, especially when the people who voted for him knew that he lived in a smaller neighboring city, but in the city that I am talking about, living in one of the many smaller cities on the border is like living in the city itself. Its like a metro area, and the guy grew up, when to school, and worked in the city he was running, and even had an apartment close to his office (which was considered a residence). Joe Miller challenge is kind of similar, but I think his is even more ridiculous, at least challenging residency is reasonable. I hope he drops out soon.

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Interesting political story. The loser's response doesn't surprise me at all. Most politicians are poor losers at best. I have heard of plenty of similar trivial result challenges. Maybe the lady shouild shorten her last name to Murk. :lol: That way she won't have future problems with write-in campaigns. But then again, how many ways are there to spell Lisa? :)

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Yes, that was some battle wasn't it? I followed it myself with some interest. One that that bugs me is that in so many elections, you aren't really voting FOR someone, as much as you are voting AGAINST someone you can't stand. You don't get an option for someone you like, it a matter of chosing the lesser of 2 evils. Kind of a sad state of affairs if you ask me. This is a perfect example of my theory. It's really bad when the Democrates are ticked off enough to turn against their own party. So you have to wonder, is she really the best choise for the job, or did she get it because of spite?

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