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Wikileaks Release Diplomatic Cables

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Julian Assange is at it again, and this times he has made front page of every major newspaper in the world. I will have to say that the links are interesting if you ask me, and really revealed the corruption of politics, and the corruption of governments across the world, including our own. They smile in each other face, and they are trying to stab each other in the back before the other does. If this is the state of our political world, and we are in trouble. There are a lot of leaks, but I will tell you some that I was very interested in.


Saudi Arabia urges the U.S. to attack Iran

Now this was really a big blow to Saudi, and Iranian relations no matter no much Iran tries to downplay it. I think Iran probably already knew that Saudi Arabia felt that Iran and its nuclear program was against the interest of the country and that despite the hugs and kisses, Saudi Arabia would rather than a Middle East without Iran included within it. I don't think that the King of Saudi has released a statement yet, but it is lately to be a big blow to Saudi and U.S. relations also, due to the fact that the United States allowed it to leak, and now Saudi Arabia is in a tough position and their back room double dealing has been brought to light.


Yemen President says, "I will keep telling them the bombs are ours".

I may have misquotes him, but I think that I got the quote close enough. In short, the Yemen President has taken credit for bombing terrorist camps in Yemen, but obviously in the cables he is telling the U.S. that he will continue to lie to the legislative branch is his country and tell them that it is Yemen who is doing the bombing, and not the United States. I suppose this will be a big blow to Yemen's President and his relationship with the legislative branch of his country. I wouldn't be surprised if they attempt to impeach him, if that is even possible in Yemen. I guess this cable shows that the U.S. still have puppet governments across the world, even in the Middle East.


U.S. spying on United Nations

One of the leaks indicate that the United States has been spying on the United Nations for some strange reason. From the articles that I read, they didn't give a specific reason to why the U.S. was spying on the United Nations, but only that they were spying on "leaders" of the UN. I am not sure if the cable will have any backlash for the United States since the UN receives the majority of its funding from the US, but it is definitely very likely that the U.S. relations with UN member states will be effected in a negative way, and U.S. image is further damaged by the cable.


China tired of North Korea

This was by far the most surprising for me, and it was a diplomatic cable between the vice foreign minister of China to South Korea, where it was stated that China is tired of North Korea, and that North Korea has economically failed and will political fail a few years after the death of Kim Jong il. Also in the cable, China said that he would prefer a united Korea under the control of the South, and that if the North fails it would not send in its military force. China also compared North Korea to a "spoiled child". This will probably be a rude awaking for Kim Jong Il, but it is not likely to effect Chinese and North Korean relations if you ask me. North Korea continues to depend on China for food and energy, so there is not much that North Korea can do other than dismiss it as U.S. propaganda.


If you guys have any leaks that you found interesting, please post them and discuss. Also, what do you guys think about the leaks. Do you think it was appropriate for Wikileaks to release the United States diplomatic cables? I have a very mixed opinion on the issue. I do believe in open government, but a lot of the leaks made were just standard diplomacy and something thats irrelevant for me to know apart from entertainment. I think that it is absolutely an embarrassment to many countries and world leaders, and that Julian Assange is isolating himself from the world. I think the leaks were sort of unnecessary. I think that leaks should be supported when there is abuse, such as torturing or violation of human rights. China being tired of North Korea isn't really a "need to know" for American, Chinese, or North Korean citizens.

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Thanks for posting some of the Wikileaks. I have been hearing tons about this on the news, yes, it's made every news media out there for sure. I haven't bothered to go read up on them, been a bit busy for that so I'm glad you posted a few of them. I personally think it's kind of funny. Our government wants to access all of it's citizens private emails and telephone messages, but boy, they sure don't like it when it happens to them! So in that way is serves them right. Also, I have a very simple policy in my life. Never say anthing behind a persons back you wouldn't say right to their face. It may not be politically correct, but since I don't have a political correct bone in my body anyway, it works real well for me. If you don't like somebody, either keep your mouth shut, or just tell them you don't care for their company and they will hit the road and leave you alone. Problem solved. Why keep secrets and the back stabbing garbage going on? It's just unnessisary.

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