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I had already created an introduction on Xisto so I'll just use that:Hey guys, I'm Vistz. I'm a college student and I'm majoring in computer science. I'm interested in playing basketball, soccer, playing the guitar, and programming. Currently, I am learning Java in my classes but I am also learning bits of C++, Python, and Perl on the side. As for the secret behind my user name. I think it was a few years ago when I was looking for help with my laptop. I was running Microsoft Vista. By accident, I typed "Vistz" instead of "Vista" into Google. And I thought that it looked kinda cool so I stuck with it. Anyway, nice to meet all of you. ;)

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Hello Vistz Posted Image and welcome to Xisto from Mich in Michigan, USA.


So you came over here from Asta Host. So did I. Things are more graphics oriented here and felt better for me. You don't say what your purpose in participating on this forum are. Are you here for the hosting, or do you already have a site over at Asta Host?


You seem to have an eclectic assortment of interests. Look forward to reading more posts from you in the future.

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Thanks for responding Mich. My purpose for participating is to get some web hosting. I'm trying to do it to test out an idea for a website. All of the other free hosts do not provide the accommodations that I need. I spoke to a moderator on Xisto and he said that Xisto is more technical. But I visited here a few days ago and the topics being created looked interesting so here I am.

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Welcome to Ks Vistz I like how you worked out your username. Its really cool. You say you are on Xisto that really cool. I tried signing up there but those days they had a server problem and it wouldnt send that email to confirm to my email address i eventually gave up. That was like halfa decade back . OmG i just realised i been with KS for near 1/6th of my life wow. Time flies and I must say during that period I have learnt and gained so much stuff from the fellow Sutras who come on here. from Web site desing knowledge to scripts to general advice and also helping others who had question or simply needed a shoulder to cry on. We are a nice big community on here and I know we will bump into each on the forums and all and hopefully we will chat here and there. Just to also sya oyu have made a great choice by choosing Xisto because as the name suggests this place is bubbling with know it alls and trust me all it takes to find the answer is to post a question and ask.Welcome to the family Vistz.heheh maybe i should call my self gogole cause i once miss typedthat instead of google lol jokes buddy

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hi Vistz, welcome to Xisto forums. we are always happy to get new members who are interested in programming and computer science. because most of us are interested in the same thing in a way or another. so take your time and share what do you know with the others, and ask anything you want if someday you needed help. the community here is so helpful and supportive, and i am sure you will enjoy your time here, have fun.

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Time flies and I must say during that period I have learnt and gained so much stuff from the fellow Sutras who come on here. from Web site desing knowledge to scripts to general advice and also helping others who had question or simply needed a shoulder to cry on.

Yea, I'm actually working on a website currently. I'm hoping to pick up some tips from everyone here about website development. I know that Xisto is geared towards graphics than Xisto. Hopefully I can use some of your ideas to make my site better. Hope to meet all of you.

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hey Vistz, if you need any advice or have any questions just ask that all it takes. No point scratching your head for hours and hours. Though sometimes I know its frustrating to ask then have to wait couple of hours to get a reply. Normally when Im doing a site i am impatient and want a response asap lol. Hopefully you will be mor epatient than me. Also if you can share the link to your site then we can tell you what we think and give ideas were we can to help you make it better or more efficicient.

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