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Remember Joe The Plumber?

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Ok, I'm excited and happy about this latest event. It appears that our friend Joe the Plumber has found out about Propostiton B in Missouri and has written about it in his blog! (you'll remember him from before Obama's election, he was picked up and practicly made a folk hero when he questioned Obama's policies) I am so glad the word is getting out there! When we poor near bankrupt dog breeders have to fight an organization like the Humane Society of the United States that have millions to contribute to promote this riduculous bill, we need all the help we can get!You can read his story here.http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/

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lol the humane society is more like the IN-humane society how can they they spend less than 0.5% of its $100M + budget on actually helping animals :< and its great that people can know what there actually doing :) and they must be hypocrits :( the whole thought seems like a joke do they think people are going to vote yes to this? I'm not in Missouri but i don't like the idea it sounds more like there trying to make everything expensive instead of save animals lol osh-- runs they have a gun!!! *shot in head*

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You've hit on the exact thing that annoys me the most about the Humane Society of the United States. They have all these adds where they show pathectic sick animals and play on peoples emotions to get them to contribute money to their cause, and then they spend all that money not to help animals but on high saleries for the top company brass, millions for lobbists who enact laws that restrict the privledges of humans, even lawyer fees for arsonists. Did you know that they actually pay one company over 4 million dollars just to count their money!!!! Imagine that, having so much money it costs you 4 million to just count your money??????HUSU spent over 4 million dollars on their ad campaigne in Missouri in support of Prop B. Can you imagine how many low cost or free spay surgeries that would of paid for, when they rattle on about the supposed horrible pet overpopulation problem and all the dogs that have to die in shelters because there aren't any homes for them. Now THAT would actually help animals.

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