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Selena Gomez Sig

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Not sure if you wanted critique for this or not... If not, then you can just skip my post x3Now the first thing anyone ever notices when they see a sig are the general color layout. The ones here are of the blue shade, ranging from white to dark sea blue. This isn't really a criticism, I'm just stating that this hue was the first thing I noticed, and I think it will be the first thing anyone notices. But setting up a hue is important because some times we have parts that don't fit.> So point #1: The side pic, to the left (smaller one) of her standing there, there are bits and pieces of brown, tan, and lightbrown in that section, and this doesn't fit with the white-blue-darkblue hue that you've got going with the rest of the Sig. This isn't to say that all good sigs are sigs with hues. But if you DO have one with a pretty definite color scale, then you shouldn't deviate from it, because it will become a bit distant from the essence of the pic.> Point #2: This is just me being REALLY picky. But that brush/c4 you used in the front, between the big pic (right) and the small pic (left) is not the right blue. Yea... I said it... not the right blue. It's hard to explain, and is probably just me being really picky, but I feel that it's a bit too bright and navy-leaning to be in the same category as the rest of the hue. The same goes for the text, as the font's borders are huge, which is ana-stylistic to the rest of the sig, and the color is a different type of blue yet again.> Point #3: Try to make sure that none of your brush/c4 strokes interfere with the stock image itself. As you can see, the crystal shard thing you have going on in the middle kind of gets on to Gomez's wrist and neck and arm, which interferes with the piccie.That's all I got. Standard stuff, I've done these kinds of slip ups often enough for me to not call them "slip ups" without biting my tongue ;) I really liked the background dots on the right, that contrasted with the larger circles on the left. Not sure if that was aesthetically intentional or not... lolGood sig though.

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