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Our Universe

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Our universe, what could be said about something that is known and unknown. We are the only cognitive species in the known universe who have achieved intelligence far greater than was originally planned for us. By the laws of physics, time, space, distance and what the heck dimensions that our universe is over thirteen billion years old and by the time it turns fourteen, several million generations of humans will have come and gone just like that. Our time is precious because just ninety-three million miles away is a bomb so big it dwarfs the world?s nuclear arsenal a million-fold, maybe more. Our Earth has at least ten billion years to live, after that, it is no more and that is fact. However, a thought has occurred to me or rather a particular movie character comes to mind. Agent Smith from the movie The Matrix says we are a destructive species and that is true. However, at one point at time the universe had some sort of peace or rather our Earth was at peace, life in a way has the most sophisticated balancing system that is known to us. However, as a human species we have destroyed that balance and as many would like to think it is irrecoverable, no matter what changes are made to fix it the damage has been done and that is the sad reality that we have made for ourselves.I expect nothing out of this or to be honest I don?t know what to expect due to the fact my life is so small that compared to the universe it is meaningless. I once believed in a God or rather the Christian based God, but since then I stopped believing and why I did that, simple, the creator does not exist, if a God did exist this planet would have been destroyed the moment man began killing each other off. To put it bluntly we humans are the God?s and the reason is that have wrath no other species can dish out. Granted the other species of our little blue planet have their own defense mechanisms to hurt us and even kills us. However, our adaptable and killing nature has made it possible that we are the closes thing to Gods then those we have created in ancient times.On the other hand, something must have happened to bring us to where we are at this moment in time. Our brightest minds say that there are several possibilities to its origins. We have the Big Bang Theory, the most universally accepted theory on our planet. Correction, scientifically it is the most accepted theory. Religiously, God created the heavens and the Earth in six days and resting on the seventh. Another theory is that the universe has always been here that of course would debunk the age of our universe just like that. Another is that this is just one of many Big bangs and that this universe replaces the old one and eventually this one will be replaced as well. Of course, there are many more ideas of our beginning but I don?t care to research them nor do I care to back them up. As for our end, there are literally millions of way for us to die it is both expected, our sun blowing up or natural death, or unexpected, being murdered, Gamma Ray burst, even aliens, God?s wrath.We have fears, mine, is death, strange of course, have I accepted it, obviously but I don?t have to like it. I have also accepted the fact life is never easy, correction what I perceive as life is never easy. Why? Well if you gotten to this point in my little story and can answer that question yourself then you?re on your way to a life of bliss. Well, not really but at least you know perception is everything and that is the reason why the state of the universe is the way it is, our human perception is so unique that nothing has can top it. Sure other animals and insects can think at some level, but their lives are much simpler than ours. Over ten thousand years again early man began to think and why did it happen? If I knew the answer well then I just unlocked the answer to why we are here and I will have also answered the origins questions as well.On the other hand, this is mindless rabble, and those who do read think I am just a moron who has no idea what I am talking about. So be it, does not bother me one bit and you know why because everyone on this planet are stupid. Our leaders are stupid, their followers are stupid, those lost, homeless, rich, famous, good and even evil are stupid people. We are neither right or wrong we are neither fast or slow, we are who we are meant to be, but our unique gift to adapt is what makes either overcome our normalcy or succumb to it and accept ourselves based on what society has dictated who we should be. Well society is wrong so much that we had to create myth and legends, science fiction to gives dreams and hopes that we will never achieve. People say we use only ten percent of our brain, but what if were to unlock the one hundred percent and achieve the ultimate consciousness, would that person be the smartest being in the universe? Could that person be like Charles Xavier one of Marvel?s Comics most powerful psychic and do stuff that we only read in those comics? Or could that person be the most dangerous being in the universe? As likely as our ability to go back in time or being able to go Warp 10 or figure out that the butler did it, but let?s be honest, if we have created a telescope that could go back twelve billions into the past then what hell is wrong with us. If you can give me a no BS answer and convince me as such then I will shake your hand and wear a pink tutu for you.

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Oh Man, I would love to see you in a pink tutu, but I'm afraid I just don't have the answers for you. I do find myself wondering a lot about very simular questions to what you have brought up. Humankind is very destructive, without a doubt. And downright mean too. Do you ever wonder why on earth people can be so hateful. They often go out of their way to do mean things to total strangers, and even friends and relatives. Take computer viruses for example. What possible fun/satisfaction/joy could you possible get out of ruining the contents of a total strangers computer? It's just beyond me.

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