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Backstage Journal oh yeah.. the world is even more known n

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The blood sport of Election 2004 is over, Bush is in for four more years and

those politically aware ask a collective, ?OK, What?s next?? Where does all

the energy and political interest go when the candidate you supported either

won or lost?


Win or lose, in politics there are two forms of campaigns, Electoral and

Issue based. In the electoral cycle, (which ended on November 2nd), a

campaign?s success is based on the power of its volunteers. However, the

?sweat equity? of campaign volunteers is typically spent the day after the

election, leaving little energy or interest in then moving the issues that



It is in that void of popular activism that the country?s professional

lobbyists go to work. Special interest groups ranging from the Tobacco

Industry to Motion Pictures employ full-time teams of legislative advocates

to work either pushing their issues into law or to defeat bills that may be

potentially harmful to their interests.


Two days after the November 2nd election in a small Colorado High School a

group of students barricaded themselves into their library for four days to

demand the newly elected administration hear their concerns. This protest

was an effort to air a desperate voice of concern based on important issues

affecting young people and their families. Issues such as the Rising Cost

of Public College Tuition, Jobs & the Economy, Healthcare and The War in

Iraq are issues of chief concern to young people in America.


While the volunteer base of both sides are either patting themselves on the

back or licking their collective wounds, the nation?s lobbyists and special

interests are working overtime shaping the public?s policy.


To get a true insider's view on the issues that matter and their effects on

young people, plus news and articles that matter to you before it hits

television, come BackStage... click onto your direct news-service at



BackStageJournal is the first comprehensive e-news service for young people

by young people. BackStageJournal.com informs and empowers its readership

everyday with cool, factual, relevant articles and commentary. Each issue

will cover current affairs from our perspective. BackStageJournal also

covers the other things in our lives... fashion, business, the events of the

moment and insider leads & instruction provided in our 'SKILLS' section.


You are eligible today to receive an all access Day-Pass for free! Send

this link to three of your friends, enjoy, create change and give us your




I truly don't know what to do with this though I am thinking of joining :D

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