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Bp Continues To Give Crap To All !

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with such a spillover , who has to pay ? the life lost ? 100 more of such spills should happen and then our oceans will be a oil muck !http://www.theonion.com/article/massive-flow-of-*BLEEP*-continues-to-gush-from-bp-17564
I hope this oil technolgy goes out and replaces by the sun , wind and water .. why is it that such huge energy requirements are needed in the first place ?

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i think you have a broken link here, i get "the page not found" from your link. so please check it. and post the correct link so that we could see what you are talking about, thank you for sharing.

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well the home page of your site is opening properly, only that page is not opening. so that's mean the error is in that site not in the forum i guess.

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well the home page of your site is opening properly, only that page is not opening. so that's mean the error is in that site not in the forum i guess.

Ok I get it web_designer... it is odd and found such a thing happening first time.
Could you read the article and what have you got to say of this ?
the spill keeps happening but think of the billions of tonnes of smoke that is spurned out
everyday by USING these fuels. Noone talks about them as it has become "normal "
and "essential". I personally would laugh at the few little drops of poison being put in the ocean compared to
the huge drums of same poison being burned day and night to keep humans comfy at homes !

Fossil fuel is a black evil for earth and black gold for a few hungry and greedy humans.

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well, i think both of them, the spill in the water and the smoke in the air will affect our environment in a negative way. but at least , using this oil as fuel, makes people benefit from it in many ways to ease our life whereas spilling oil in the water is absolutely brings no benefit for anyone just poisons the water of the ocean and kills more living beings in it.unfortunately, nowadays, we use all kind of power resources and poison the environment to make our life better, but i only hope that someday we could replace these resources with a better ones that not causing such a sever effects on our environment. by the way, your link is working now, i just checked it. seems the error was in the website.

Edited by web_designer (see edit history)

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