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Xbox 360

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Until Microsoft makes their official announcement on it, this one is still firmly in the rumor category, but we?ve gotten word from one of our trusted sources that Microsoft has pretty much settled on a name for the next Xbox: the Xbox 360 (let that sink in for a moment, because you?re probably going to be hearing it a lot for the next several years). Our source, who has worked on several projects involving the Xbox and the Xbox 360, has seen the proposed packaging and other design elements for the new console, and says that as of right now the console is being branded as the ?Xbox 360.? That?s definitely not that first time we?ve heard that mentioned as one of the possible names for the next-generation Xbox; last year a marketing firm conducted a survey where they asked people whether they thought Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or Nintendo N5 sounded more ?next-gen? (apparently Microsoft was worried that calling their new console the ?Xbox 2? would make it seem older or less ?cutting-edge? than the PlayStation 3).

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