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Rael IAK

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I just signed up in these forums and am taking a break from stumbling around aimlessly to introduce myself.I have always thought computers were neat. I bought my 1st one (an Apple II+ clone) around 25 years ago when you were a freak if you owned a PC, lol. I'm hoping to shake the dust off my HTML and javascript knowledge and see what damage I can do :angel: I would like to send up an SOS at this point though. I've never been big on forums and blogging and such so .....Can I position the cursor when I'm typing a post or am I forced to sit on my "Backspace" for a while when I notice a typo 3 sentences back and then re-type everything again? Selecting text and then trying to reformat it with the formatting icons at the top of the window doesn't seem to do much except add a bunch of "Line Breaks". Am I doing something wrong? Is there a post somewhere around here called "Typing posts for ubernewbs", lol?Thanks to anyone who can help,Rael

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Nah, I was talking about the "post" part, not the "typing" part.I was hoping someone would tell me to switch text editors using the button on the far top right of the posting entry window. Nobody did but I eventually figured it out on my own :angel: So your post gets a "D" for Usefulness but an "A" for Sense of Humor.

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haha sorry I wasn't getting what you were saying. Glad to see you figured it out though. And I see you figured out the whole mycents system and everything ok. At Xisto mycents represent your life, when your mycents are gone...you lose. I watch to much Survivor lol

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Well said running with scisors , in here *Xisto.com forums* we are collecting Mycents , that we can spend on quality webhosting in Xisto - Web Hosting.com or in domains , you choose!The best way you can earn the Mycents is by posting in the forums , quality posts will generate a large amount of Mycents , mediocre ones also , but i suggest you not to copy/paste articles from other boards or websites , because moderators here will think that you are a spammer!! and you will have no Mycents to earn.Talk about whatever you think usefull , you will always find someone who share your iseas and thoughts!Welcome again and Good luck

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Yup, I seem to be getting the hang of this. It took me a while to find a topic or two that I felt I had something intelligent to say. Once I did though, lol. I log on to Xisto's billing site to see if I have $2 and I have over $4 :angel: No, this is not too hard if you have a bit of persistence in you.Thanks again Running With Scissors (WATCH IT!!! You'll put somebody's eye out) and nirvaman.

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