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Beauty Programmed? Through Advertising

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Ok so recently one of my friends whos a girl started talking to me and a couple of my other friends about how what we think is pretty and hot about a girls is all programmed through TV that if we didn't watch TV are view on it would be totally different. I disagree on this. Now this is going to be one of those instances where I'm just lost in my own mind and I don't know if this is a point or if its as sharp as a door knob. Anyways here it is. If its all programmed through TV magazines and other types of advertising where did it all begin? That's my point. Its not like TV just sprung out of the ground, someone decided for it to be that way. Why there aren't fat models and such. I don't think I'm programmed. Think way back in the caveman time would you want to find a mate that was all out of shape and couldn't run when the lions ( Or whatever creature may be chasing ) came to eat your entire village. You'd want someone that was fit and not lazy right? I think I'm going somewhere with all this. I will admit that maybe seeing all this different stuff on TV can make you appreciate how someone looks less then maybe you normally would. Ok so before I start talking about cavemen I'll just finish this up. So do you think you're programmed? Do you think that what you think of as beautiful isn't up to you? This goes for the girls too, all though I've seen mostly women there is also commercials with big muscly, perfect hair, chiseled chin guys. So what do you think?

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Do you think that what you think of as beautiful isn't up to you?

Technically, it is always up to us. However, once we allow the media or whatever to modify our standards, things start to change. Whether it is for the better is up to the motivator. But some people may not notice that they have allowed to have their standards changed. Have they lost their ability to control their standards? No, for they can still change them. Realizing that there is more to a person than looks is key. But this touches on the person's personality as well.
I'm a person who places intelligence over beauty, or, rather, intelligence in a woman increases their beauty. But there are others who would place physical beauty over the other features. These differences in personalities can be a judging factor as to how easily their standards change. The younger folk are easier to manipulate than the older folk, unless perhaps the older folk have the mind of a child or teenager. What one learns when they are young, they might take it with them as they get older.

There is also self-esteem that comes into play. The observer need not be the opposite sex—a third-party—here. If a girl tries out make-up and becomes convinced that she looks better in it, then she will continue putting on make-up unless convinced out of it. Low self-esteem can be easily manipulated through advertisements and friends who also wear make-up (who may have also been manipulated).

Yeah, i can only wonder how it was like back in eras like Biblical times. There were such things as perfumes and stuff, though these things involved naturals spices and liquids, but that doesn't concern physical appearance. The physical appearance wasn't necessarily manipulated by things like make-up. The body was more sacred back then; only certain pagans traditions were known to defile the body.

When you don't have looks to judge by, you have to judge by other things. Some eastern countries still practice things declared in Scripture. Some people think that covering all of your skin with clothes, or not being able to shave your beards off, is limiting and controlling—a bad thing. However, these things were and are in place to keep temptation and lust in control. With these things in control there is less coveting and it keeps things personal between the spouses. Is it a wonder that more people today are obsessed over looks?

When it comes to it, it is all about standards. The goal is to keep the standards high and not let them be easily manipulated, especially from those who will place the dollar before you.

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Yes I don't think I am mature enough to see personality through unattractiveness. I can just never see myself dating someone that is unattractive or over weight I just can't do it. Now maybe someone of average looks with a great personality then yes I could overlook a few things. Also intelligence I couldn't date someone no matter how hot who was dumb. I'm not a girl but I can bet that when a girl sees all those hot models on makeup commercials, etc. It probably makes them feel bad about there selves. Which sucks. The same goes for us guys. I cannot remember any commercials where they show really muscly guys but I know they're out there. Barely any guys / girls look like the ones on TV. Its sad they profit off others low self esteem. I'm not the greatest looking guy, but I feel fine about it. I think people need to learn to love their selves.

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