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Read File By Line And Strtok It By A Space

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C Programming

I need to basically read in a file using the open system call, and then read each line and strtok each line by a space.


For example - this file:

Name1 1 3Name2 4 1Name3 90 20Name4 20 3Name5 56 2Name6 23 9Name7 45 13Name8 12 18Name9 78 5Name10 56 8
From each of these lines i need three outputs e.g: (Name1, 1 and 3)

These need to be put into an array for sorting by the third column in numerical order, producing the final output:

Name2 4 1Name5 56 2Name1 1 3Name4 20 3Name9 78 5Name10 56 8Name6 23 9Name7 45 13Name8 12 18Name3 90 20
I have tried to do this but it just keeps on erroring with a stack error.


Any suggestions?

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Hi,It will be helpful if you show the programming code.A stack error may occur due to many reasons like infinite recursion etc.In C/C++,1. literal values are stored on stack.2. When a method is called, paramter values are stored on stack.If I were to debug it, I would see:1. enough memory is allocated to store each line.2. enough memory is allocated for array used to sorting.3. Since strtok would be used for each line. Am I properly initializing strtok for each line ?4. Am I properly checking the end of file condition when reading input from file.Good Luck .. :P

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Hi, due to the fact that this if coursework for school, i dont want to post any of my code in this forum as my other coursemates may copy and use some of the code. I dont want to be done for plagarism when it is my work.Can i send the code to you more securley? Msn? passworded zip? Is that ok?

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Here is an example solution where I'm using a b-tree on the stack.

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>/* node */typedef struct _item {	char a[30];	int b, c;	struct _item *l,*r;} item;/* print tree */void print(item* t){	if(t)	{		print(t->l);		printf("%s %d %d\n",t->a, t->b, t->c);		print(t->r);	}}/* read items from file into tree stored on stack */void readItem(FILE* f, item** t){	item i,*n;		if(fscanf(f,"%s %d %d",&i.a, &i.b, &i.c)==3)	{		i.l=i.r=0; /* clear leafs */				/* insert into tree */		if(*t == 0) *t = &i;		else {			n=*t;			for(;;) {				if(n->c <= i.c) {					if(n->r) n = n->r;					else { n->r = &i; break; }				} else {					if(n->l) n = n->l;					else { n->l = &i; break; }				}			}		}		readItem(f, t); /* recurse to next read or print tree */		return;	}	print(*t); /* must print here because tree is on stack */}int main(void){	/* tree root */	item* tree = 0;		FILE* f = fopen("input.txt","r");		if(f==0)	{		printf("file error\n");		return;	}		/* process */	readItem(f,&tree);		fclose(f);}

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