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Inventors I Would Like To Thank

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What is your favorite gadget? You know, just little things that make every day jobs easier, quicker, more pleasant. I?m not going to include major things, like cars, though they certainly are important, if it weren?t for cars we would be wading threw the highways and byways covered with horse hockey. Just the little every day things that make our lives easier and/or more enjoyable. I also will leave out those debatable inventions like the computer and the microwave. I really wonder some times about computers. With our considerable dependence on them, I?m not sure if they are a blessing or a curse. And there are those who consider foods cooked in the microwave to be dangerous to our health, weather true or not remains to be seen, but I will leave them off my list just to be on the safe side. The blow dryer. And not those pistol grip ones that blow your hair into a massive fuzz ball that would make Phyllis Diller proud. The kind you hold and comb threw your hair with the various brush and comb attachments. As a teenager, I spent hours and hours with the pins and hair curlers, then sitting for nearly an hour with the plastic hat on waiting for my thick curly locks to dry. Now with the blow dryer I can comb it out, and even manage to straighten out some of the kinks and curls and in 5 minutes I?m good to go. Electric Dog Clippers. This of course, is obvious given my chosen profession. I would have calluses and inch deep on my fingers if I had to use scissors. And not just any dog clippers. My little Oster A 5?s are great, but my pride and joy are my Double K cable clippers. They go threw dog hair like a hot knife threw butter. Don?t know how I would ever keep up with the hair on this pack without them. . . Shirt (or pants) Pockets. How can anybody get by with out pockets? Many people chose their wardrobe by the color and designer name of the clothing, I personally just make sure my pants have pockets, don?t care who made them, if they don?t have pockets I?m not buying them. Flick your Bic! Instant fire, how cool is that? Not just for smokers, but if you have one in your pocket and the lights go out, you can flick it to find your way to your stash of candles. There?s burning the trash, and of course, the old trick of when your ink pen stops writing you can pass it threw the flame a time or two and sometimes it will start to work again. (that is of course, providing you don?t melt it.) Need to cut a piece of string and no snipers handy? Burn that baby right in two with your trusty Bic. Cork Boards You know those hastily scribbled telephone notes, receipts that you are going to need to return various articles or take off your taxes, to do lists, business cards, notes about meetings, information brochures and all that sort of stuff that you habitually loose and can spend hours tearing threw the house looking for in the stacks of forgotten junk mail and other general household clutter? Cork boards are just the think for sticking those easy to loose odd bits of papers. I have 3 of them in the house and 2 in the kennel. All I have to do is remember to put the notes on them, instead of leaving them on the end tables or kitchen table, where they are usually tossed in haste. So when I go to hunting that phone number, I know at least where to start looking. So, what are some things you find super handy?

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