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How Is Life?

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I hope that you realize that posts such as this aren't getting you any credits to regain your site. In fact, posts such as the one you posted here will more than likely just get the admins/mods angry and probably get your site permanently disabled. You should post quality posts to get your hosting back instead of a simple two word sentence.

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Listen to ArchaicAngel. She knows what shes saying. You are not getting anything out of spamming our wonderful forum, so why do it. Do you like being a disruptive annoying child? Do you like wasting time posting a post that will be moderated. Do you like being moderated?If you give me answers to all these, good answers, I will accept this post has a reason. I'm waiting. :D.

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Xedos, I really appreciate the back-up of what I had to say. But I just wanted to correct you on one small, but fairly important, point. You refer to me as "she" when, in fact, I am a "he." I don't really have a problem with the fact that you mistook me for a woman. It happens to me quite frequently, even when people see me. But I figured I would set the record straight here and now. :D

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Oh. I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't offend you in any way. Its just you had angel in your name. I ususally link an angel to a woman/young girl. It won't happen again. :D

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