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Any Legend Of The Seeker Fans Here?

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I dearly love sci-fi/fantasy books, and always head to that section of the local library first thing. I've read so many it's hard to find good new ones, and lately the pickens have gotten really slim. But last week I saw a good large collection of books written by a Terry Goodkind that I have not yet read. I noticed he had written quite a few books, so I picked one out, "Wizzards First Rule" and mentioned on the way home to my hubby that I really hoped the guy was a good writer, since he had so many more books available. I was almost to page 18 when I realized that what I was reading was the book the TV show "Legend of the Seeker" is based on! One of my favorite shows of course! The book was really good, though it was somewhat different than the TV series. Kahlan is the only surviving confessor, and is the actual mother conffesor threw out the book, where as in the series she became mother confessor. Also, in the book,she is afraid to even tell Richard what she is, instead of just being afraid to tell him she can't be his lover. Also, the first book is pretty much covered by the entire tv series, but the books have at least a few sequels that cover ground left out of the tv series. I just finished the second in the series, "Stone of Tears" and I'm not sure how many more there are, but I'm sure going to find out. So if you like the TV series, be sure to check out the books too.

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