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Security For Your Store,office,shop alarms

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This is not a how to get around alarms systems but some messures you can take to determine if you are being burgled and some tips on stopping you get burgled.if you have multi alarm boxies on the outside of your shop from differant companys!! Changed them all into one name and type box. This is one way to tell the perp that it is a week shop. If you change them that often that there is differant boxies then i know that either the alarms are no monitured and do not protect the store from perps if they know what they are doing, Also if your dial through goes off and you have to attend your shop to stop the alarm but cannot reset your alarm and it gives you an error or breach on say area 4. If area 4 is a door use a screw driver and remove the little magnet connectors at the top of the door or the bottom and check to see if the magnet is still in there. replace it if its not there with a spair and screw back on. If the alarm is reset ok then that was your problem. ALWAYS know what message your office,shop,store phone gives when closed and if you get an alarm trigger then PHONE you store number. If the message if differant then your shop is being watched by perps. infor the police that your telecom cables have been cut and you believe you are been watched they will set up an operation to catch them in the act.

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