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"In the Iranian election both current president Ahmadinejad and opponent Mousavi have both claimed to have won the Iranian election just hours after polls close. Voter turnout was said to be unprecendented, at around 85%. People say its too close to call.


I think this result could be a critical moment in world politics. If Ahmadinejad wins I think he'll continue to aggressively pursue a nuclear proliferation program. If Mousavi wins we could see a real change in Iran's relations with the West, Iran could set a precedent for relations between the West and an Islamic Republic."


I posted this on another forum on Friday.


Ahmadinejad was declared the winner but there are now many people claiming the election was rigged, because the results show Ahmadinejad doing well even in the heartland of Mousavi and gaining approximately the same share of the vote everywhere.


This weekend there were two days of clashes between supporters of Mousavi and supporters of Ahmadinejad. The paramilitary have been given permission to use live ammunition to stop violence. There are still demonstrations being held and the result has officially been appealed against. The Guardian Council says it will give its verdict within ten days, but I wouldn't hold your breathe.


Ahmadinejad accuses the media of calling the result a fix because it is not the one they want. He guaranteed Mousavi's safety to a journalist. However, since the election there has been a massive crackdown by the reelected Ahmadinejad. According to the BBC,


More than 100 opposition figures arrested, including the brother of ex-reformist President Khatami.

Local and international phone and text message services interrupted

Social networking and newspaper websites blocked

BBC says "heavy electronic jamming" from inside Iran disrupts its Persian TV service

International journalists arrested and asked to leave

Iranian newspapers do not carry reports of the violence

Source: Various reports


If there was nothing dodgy about this election why go to these lengths? It seems to me to be an admission of wrong doing. The next few days will be very important. Iran could well be on the road to revolution.

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