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3 Wireless "broadband" Service

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Well, we came off TalkTalk because they had us locked into a contract that was absolutely rubbish. So now we tried a contract-free service by 3. It's simply a pay as you go broadband service...... If you can call it broadband. Seems like it's just dial-up to me... In fact, I'm pretty sure it is. It dials and although it says it can go up to 3.6 Mbps we only usually get under a megabyte on a lucky day! Maybe it has something to do with where we live... Maybe it's in the wrong place in the house... Or maybe it's just really crap. It's basically like broadband for a mobile phone except less reliable. If the speed isn't annoying enough, it also cut's off frequently... Sometimes we have to unplug it for ages to let the lil thing cool down as it's hot to the touch which could be a cause of it disconnecting. Whatever the problem is, it's a problem... One of the more annoying things is running out of credit. It's not really the running out of it that's the problem to me, it's the fact that unless I was to top up before the credit ran out... Topping up would be a very annoying experience. First I have to get the damn thing to connect which barely happens, especially when out of credit. Next I have to hurry to the my3 website to try and top up... If I'm too slow, the thing disconnects. Then, if I'm lucky, the website will actually be up... Otherwise it will say it has a https error or "Sorry, this service is unavailable. Come back later" with a woman in a jacket for some reason :(When I finally get to the top up screen, I usually have to send the top up converter screen about 4 times before it actually tops up without disconnecting. It's a really annoying thing and it's just small enough for me to throw it out of the window or something. Don't buy this if you want to game online or download stuff... Unless you're patient and don't mind megalag. In fact, don't buy any wireless if you're a internet addict! If you do plan on buying this, check that you live in a spot where you can get a really good signal with 3's broadband service. If not, you're paying a huge amount for a little stick that lights up to tell you that the connection is at a level it's not really at that is supposed to let you store data on too, but doesn't. Overall this thing is a pointless buy. But until there is a decent broadband service, I think we're stuck with this.LOL, just did it again. Irony?- Deji

Edited by -Sky- (see edit history)

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