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Need Some Help With The Events Page! Need some help with the events page

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Ok so if you visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will be taken to index.php which calls the file main.php and displays the categories etc in the middle. Well we now have an events page which is the index.php file (renamed to events.php) which calls another file called events1.php to the middle instead of main. Now this events1.php contains the upcoming_events.inc.php file and the calendar of events also which we have but as you can see on the website its not working for me! Please help!

Heres the files that you will need.


<img src="images/whats-on.png" width="150" height="45" alt="Whats On" /><?phprequire_once("config.inc.php");?><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="98%" class="dir"><tr><table width="525" height="60" border="0">  <tr>	<td><?php include("caltest.php"); ?></td>     </tr></table><table width="525" height="60" border="0">  <tr>	<td><?php include("upcoming_events.inc.php"); ?></td>     </tr></table>

<?phpclass calendar{ function display($urlformat, $weekday_start=0, $weekdays="", $months="", $year=0, $month=0, $specialdates="", $cellwidth=20) {  // Get year and month  if($year && $month)  {   $day = date("d");   $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);   if($year == date("Y") && $month == date("m")) $highlighttoday = TRUE;  }  else  {   $year = date("Y");   $month = date("m");   $day = date("d");   $t = time();   $highlighttoday = TRUE;  }  // Save year and month  //setcookie("_xzcal_m", $month);  //setcookie("_xzcal_y", $year);  // Get weekday and month names  if(!$weekdays)  {   $weekdays = array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");  }  if(!$months)  {   $months = array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");  }  $weekdays_small = array();  foreach($weekdays as $k=>$wd)  {   $weekdays_small[$k] = substr($wd, 0, 1);   if(ord($weekdays_small[$k]) >= 128) $weekdays_small[$k] .= substr($wd, 1, 1);  }    // Calendar title  $caltitle = $months[$month-1] . " " . $year;  // Prev and next month links  if ($month == 1)  {   $prev_month = 12;   $prev_month_year = $year-1;  }  else  {   $prev_month = $month-1;   $prev_month_year = $year;  }  if ($month == 12)  {   $next_month = 1;   $next_month_year = $year+1;  }  else  {   $next_month = $month+1;   $next_month_year = $year;  }  $month_link = "?";  $qsA = $_GET; unset($qsA['_xzcal_m'], $qsA['_xzcal_y']);  foreach($qsA as $k=>$v) $month_link .= "$k=$v&";  $prev_month_link = $month_link . "_xzcal_m=$prev_month&_xzcal_y=$prev_month_year";  $next_month_link = $month_link . "_xzcal_m=$next_month&_xzcal_y=$next_month_year";  $cal = <<< EOB  <table cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" class="calendar">  <tr>  <td class="cal_header_month"><a href="$prev_month_link">«</a></td>  <td colspan="5" class="cal_header_month">$caltitle</td>  <td class="cal_header_month"><a href="$next_month_link">»</a></td>  </tr>  <tr>EOB;  // Weekdays  $j = $weekday_start;  for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)  {   $wds = $weekdays_small[$j];   $cal .= <<< EOB   <td class="cal_header_week" width="$cellwidth">$wds</td>EOB;   $j++;   if ($j==7) $j=0;  }  $cal .= <<< EOB  </tr>EOB;  // Days  $firstday_weekday = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));    $empty_cells = ($firstday_weekday >= $weekday_start) ? 	  ($firstday_weekday - $weekday_start) : 	  7 - $weekday_start;  if ($empty_calls) $cal .= "<tr>";  for ($i=0; $i<$empty_cells; $i++)   $cal .= "<td> </td>";  $lastday = date("t", $t);  //$datepre = date("Y-m-", $t);  $today = date("j", $t);  for ($d=1; $d<=$lastday; $d++, $i++)  {   $url = $urlformat;   $url = str_replace("[email="{@T"]{@T[/email]}", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year), $url);   $url = str_replace("[email="{@D"]{@D[/email]}", str_pad($d, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $url);   $url = str_replace("[email="{@M"]{@M[/email]}", $month, $url);   $url = str_replace("[email="{@Y"]{@Y[/email]}", $year, $url);   $url = str_replace("[email="{@W"]{@W[/email]}", $i, $url);   if ($i%7==0) $cal .= "<tr>";   $cal .= "<td";   if ($d == $today && $highlighttoday) $cal .= " id=\"today\"";   if ($specialdates[$d]) $cal .= " class=\"content_date\"";   $cal .= "><a href=\"$url\">$d</a></td>";   if ($i%7==6) $cal .= "</tr>";  }  if ($i%7 != 0)  {   for(; $i%7!=0; $i++) $cal .= "<td> </td>";  }  $cal .= "</tr></table>";  echo $cal; }}?>

<?phpinclude("calendar.cls.php");$url = "[email="page?day={@D"]page?day={@D[/email]}";calendar::display($url, 0);?>

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This error you got: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class calendar in /home/sites/flog-it.ie/public_html/calendar.cls.php on line 4

Comes because you are including the file calendar.cls.php more then one time. When the Calendar class already exists, you can not include another (or the same) class with this name. I can't find you your code the second place you including this file, so maybe you are inclduing it another place?


What I would advise you to do is look for other places this file is included. But as a quick way to fix this change line 2 in caltest.php


from: include("calendar.cls.php");

to: include_once "calendar.cls.php";


What this does is, is including the file if, and only if it has'nt been included earlier.


As a reminder: when you develop systems as this. Make sure you have control over the files that get included, so errors like this doesnt happend.

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