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Conflicker Or Spyware Protect 2009 Got hit with it, What can it do?

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Hello,Had been hit with conflicker last night im not really sure how it came thru im very conscious of my computer's security and privacy.... somehow even though im not using an updated XP. Now was wondering how did it got thru my system? I wasnt visiting suspicous sites at that time.What kind of damage can it do to my computer? since there are some very very sensitive stealable datas here.. i think i need to take steps securing those now.(truecrypt anyone?)Also I have manually removed it the .dll and .exe entries on the WINDOWS directory.. so far its quite now but how can i double check if its still in my system? did a scan with avira and clamav so far so good.Im using proccess explorer by the way to monitor my proccesses and looking for suspicous ones.Anyway any kinds of inputs or help are well appreciated, im really worried of what it can do to my system..

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Update just scanned with microsoft malware removal and its clean now.. i really dont know how the hell that thing got in my system but it just made me more paranoid.. im doing a clean install this week.. :lol: the hassle.......anyway what bad things can viruses and trojans do? can they really steal passwords and private data? how to take steps securing my datas?

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Virus, trojans etc won't steal your information. They just destroy your system files and make you lose data. But Spyware can steal data from your computer. Official keyloggers are used for parenting purposes and are able to record what ever you do even your passwords etc. But they don't send that information to others over internet.Nice to hear from you that you are doing a fresh install. Backup important data on to pendrive before formatting. Here are my suggestions after doing fresh install of O.S :1. After installation update your system with microsoft update. This fixes several security loopholes in windows O.S.2. Use firewall like Comodo and antivirus Avira antivir. Both are free. Keep them up-to-date. 3. Keep your softwares up-to-date. Such as flash player, adobe reader, java etc.4. Protect your system with a strong password.5. Use website notification plugins such as WOT, Mcafee siteadvisor, AVG Link scanner. Use any one only.6. Last but not the least, never use Internet Explorer. Use Firefox or Opera. Because IE is the most targeted browser in the world. Many hackers try to exploit it for their evil purposes. I strongly don't recommend IE. Please do this if you are serious about protecting your privacy.After doing above steps, copy the your data back to your computer and make sure you scan the pendrive with antivirus before copying data back.

Edited by takerraj (see edit history)

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The thing is I am doing all those stuff except keep xp up to date which i think the reason conflicker got in..but im not really sure if this is connected to the attacks on my website.. :lol:

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