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Hey MadBoy, welcome to Xisto. Please remember to read the Xisto.com Readme. If you need any sort of support then you can always ask for support here or at Xisto - Support. If you need any help with billing sort of questions you may Submit a Ticket aswell. :P If you'd like to search a domain for your website you may do so Right here. B) To view your orders just click the link called "My Products & Services" in your Client Area. B) To view what you habe purchased click the "Invoices" link.

For the view the announcements click Company News / Announcements to check the latest Trap news! B) If you like to view the server status of all Traps servers click on Server Status. B) I am sure I have provided the enough information you'd need to know for now. And I hope you enjoy your stay with us at Xisto.com! B)

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To get more further assistance and understanding about your MyCENTs please click HERE. Make sure you read the Xisto Readme and other FAQs.

Your MyCENTs will start updating as soon as you reach 5-10 or so posts. Please post over the forum (making sure not to spam. B)). You may not post little/small one liner, as this can affect your forum membership status and MyCENTs.

Please go ahead into the HELP Center for more information and Frequently asked questions! :P

Thank you. B)

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