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A Beacon In The Night

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If it is not your life, then it is not your choiceIn the following post I am going to talk about the reading called A Beacon in the Night that we read in class. I will write what I would say to Mr. Shepps as well as what would I tell Yossel for what he done. I will as well mention events from the reading to illustrate my advices. If I was a friend of Mr. Shepps, I would tell him to leave Yossel whatever he wants and stop making pressure so he studied medicine. I would tell him that what Yossel did is wrong, but it is even worse to push your son to study something you want. Also, after discovering that Yossel was taking advantage of his dad, I wouldn?t blame Yossel at all. I would have a long talk with Mr. Shepps trying to make him understand that the election of your professional career is personal and must be done by the person who is going to practice it.If I was Yossel?s friend I would tell him that what he did was wrong. You must never take advantage of your parents. I would tell him that what he should have done is talk to his father and tell him he didn?t want to be a doctor. I would support him because it?s not fair if your father pushes you to choose the profession he wants. But, taking advantage of your father is wrong whichever way you see it. I would as well make Yossel see that his father is making a great effort to pay for his studies and his car. Also I would tell him that instead if lying about he being studying medicine, he should have talked to his dad directly and tell him the truth.Finally, I would help Yossel to talk to his father so he can say sorry and explain him the reasons why he did it. After that I would tell them both that what they did is wrong. Pushing your son into choosing the profession you want is wrong. You can?t make choices for other people just like that. Professional election is probably the most important decision in your life, and if it?s not your life, you have no right to choose for him. Then I would tell Yossel that even if he didn?t want to hurt his father, taking advantage of him the way he did, hurt his dad even more. And that what he did was wrong no matter what reasons he had to do it.To conclude I want to add that I enjoyed the reading. It left me a very good teaching. I really think this happens a lot in real life. My parents have never made that kind of pressure on me for choosing a career. Instead, they have given me the freedom to choose whatever I want. I learned that if there is something bad that you have to tell your parents, but you don?t want to tell them because it would hurt them; it is better to tell them and hurt them a little than telling them later and hurt them even more.

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