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North Korea Reinforcing Nuclear Power

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I watched in the news that North Korea is increasing their nuclear power opening new reactors. Apparently, after the United Nations condemned the launch of a North Korean missile, Pyongyang (their ruler) rejected the intervention of the United Nations in the Nuclear topics. He also classified the Security division of the United Nations as a "tyranny" because it didn't respect the international rights of North Korea for making peaceful use of their territory.Who is right? North Korea? the United Nations?Pyongyang explained it was a communication satellite. But the United Nations say it was a ballistic missile and want to apply an economic sanction to North Korea.What do you think? perhaps the United Nations are short on money? or is North Korea really creating nuclear weapons?

Edited by ORene (see edit history)

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North Korea is bankrupt in every sense of the word. They literally have no functional economy to speak of, and present nothing valuable to the world or even to its own citizens.You can't blame the majority of the country's people, however; the "government", if you'd even call it that, is nothing more than a barbaric militia that exploits North Korea's geography and international recognition as a country to serve its centralized and tightly organized ruling elite. This is accomplished by disfranchising, brainwashing, and victimizing the hundreds of millions of citizens the country holds prisoner while defending its actions as legitimate "culture" to the outside world by perverting the meaning of the concept.To say that the country is doing anything "peaceful" is far too much of a stretch even for apologist multiculturalism. There is no culture in North Korean for remotely any kind of "peaceful" activity to occur; a realistic look at the way the country operates will reveal the brutal and insane conditions tolerated there as a ?way of life?: epidemic famine, virtually no civil amenities, forced worship of the government, and propagated hatred towards every aspect of the outside world. I don't have to make an effort to prove this: all it takes is a simple google search to understand the issue. North Korea consists of a ridiculously delusional and morally bankrupt bureaucracy with crazy propagandist behavior which instigates brutality and forced poverty against its civilians.The country manages to scrape by because it maintains strained relations with China, which continues to provide the DPRK (Democratic Republic of North Korea) with tons of rice every year to keep the country's citizens from dying of starvation. This is a political maneuver on part of China, because the red nation's relationship to North Korea is like that of a master and his untamed dog: the master has the ability to sic the dog after others who threaten it, but has to tolerate the dog which occasionally bites the hand that feeds it.Why do they do this? Because North Korea is built as a war machine: despite being ridiculously poor, the country has poured every single bit of its resources into building a ferocious military -- the fourth largest in the world, in fact. Why does a country as destitute and terrible to its citizens like North Korea need such a ridiculously large army? All aspects of the country are designed to reinforce and develop the military to shield and serve the ruling elite, which is paranoid of being stripped of power by the outside world (specifically the USA). It also aims to take over South Korea, which is preached to its citizens as the country's "destiny" when in reality its a desire of the DPRK to rob the south of its wealth and resources to keep NK's government in power. China takes advantage of this by making the country dependent on it so it can have access to its army if it ever needed it (roughly speaking).I mention these things because there is no literal way North Korea has any intention of doing something "peaceful", unless you define "peaceful" as meaning "protect our country's equivalent of the U.S.S.R's nomenklatura at the expense of the nation's citizens while threatening the safety and stability of the rest of the world.If North Korea is launching an "object", then you can be absolutely certain it is doing it for the sake of warfare or at the very least militaristic reasons. They twist and pervert the concept of "peaceful use" when the country itself admitted to having hostile intentions towards South Korea, Japan, and even North America (which it is actually terrified of). It uses the laws and regulations of the outside world when its convenient to do so while trying to simultaneously pursue its dishonest efforts towards advancing its military for the sake of potential conquest. The country does nothing but build its military because it ay need to obtain resources at gunpoint from South Korea and because its afraid of the world removing its kings from their unearned thrones. Ironically enough, that fear is honestly the only thing that has kept North Korea restrained from starting a WW III -- DPRK has a deeply rooted sense of paranoia that everything will come crashing down on them if they make any mistakes. However, with the rumor of their ruler Kim Jung Ill's death being true and a potential internal collapse, that may just happen on its own.

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